Last Saturday we did the Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Garden Tour, well 10 of the 13 gardens. The gardens were amazing and so was the other area gardens. My favorite was garden number 1, it utilized a small space and made for a beautiful garden that was done by the owners themselves. 
Here is an hardy orchid from garden #1.
I think this was the neighbors gate at garden #1, the yards linked beautifully.
This was the deck with a beautiful arbor at garden #1. The girl is from a local high school one of many recruited as an "Azalea Belle" each garden had 2-3 belles.
Garden #1 had a beautifully bordered bed of yellow pansies.
The front door with really nice planters at garden #2
Nice dripping pot under azaleas at garden #2.
Small gazebo at garden #7
Garden #4 had a really nice border and Azalea Belle.
The most awesome potting shed I have ever seen, great touches as seen in the three photos below.
Garden gate from garden #5
Garden #7 had a handmade trellis with coral honey suckle and Lady Banks roses planted together. Really nice combination as both bloom at the same time.
One of the borders at garden #7, loved the recycled doors!
The swing with fountain at garden #7
The fire pit with fiddle playing azalea belle made this garden visit extra nice with the live music.
The home owner done gardens were the ones I liked the most. We visited one moneyed garden where it was obvious the owners probably did not know which end of a shovel to use. Everything about the house was custom and the garden followed the same suit, being built by the builder or the builders landscaper.