Friday, January 20, 2012

Sad day yesterday...

 Here is the very first photo I took with my new camera on Christmas day.

Yesterday day morning about 6am Meg found Grumpy on the dog's bed with his back legs paralyzed. I heard him in the middle of the night screaming loudly, but ignored it as he does this often. By 7am he was at the vets office. His legs were 93 degrees and it did not look very good for him, likely a blood clot was the cause.  Given he had FIV (feline aids) his chances were very slim for recovery. By 2pm Meg and I were with him when we put him to sleep. He purred loudly because we were there, he was in great pain yet so glad we were there to comfort him. It was really sad, he was the best kitty I/We ever had.

We buried him in the back yard while a huge flock of Robins came in and comforted us from the forest canopy. While we prepared his grave I went inside and asked to dogs who were inside the house if they wanted to come to Grumpy's funeral. Here is the unbelievable part. Both dogs went ahead of me towards the pet door. Dot goes out the pet door all the time, Daisy never goes out she comes in only. Both dogs nearly got stuck in the pet door at the same time as they went out the pet door.

Last night Dot stood in the laundry room looking very depressed as she always helped Grumpy finish his cat food. Daisy misses Grumpy too, she has been very affectionate. Valentine our other cat seems distant, she is very independent. Meg and I usually have coffee in bed after feeding the cats, Grumpy always joined us by laying on one of us.

Later in the day we went for a walk. We encountered the first aromas of spring from the flowers of two different shrubs in Hillsborough, intoxicating. The pansies above were found beside the Ayrmount House, Grumpy would have enjoyed laying in them.

Grumpy could be best described by this. He was one of those cats who would sit on your lap, you'd move him off your lap three times before he'd realize you did not want him on your lap. He sat on my knee many times as I typed these posts, he will be missed greatly.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Randy, I am so sorry... Our cats and dogs become members of our families, and it is so sad to lose them.
I want to believe that cats have 9 lives...

Michelle said...

A sad day indeed. Grumpy looks like he was a sweetheart and well loved by you. The end is the toughest part of living with pets. I still miss my old kitty Mr. J and he's been gone 10 years and I'm living with four more great cats, but none of them is a replacement for that special guy. My heart goes out to you and Meg.

Chloe m said...

Hugs to you guys.
What a sweet tribute. Pets can really touch us in ways we don't even realize.

Anonymous said...

How touching about the dogs.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Love and hugs to you and Meg at this time. Losing our fur babies is hard. They always have a place in our hearts. Grumpy looks like a sweetheart. I love the story of Dot and Daisy going ahead of you to the funeral. They knew, animals are very sensitive. More so than humans at times.

Thanks for the little video.


Phillip Oliver said...

Losing a pet is so difficult - you are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you two and I am all too familiar with how you are feeling now. We had a cat just like Grumpy (except with both eyes, we did have a three legged cat once, Frida) Iris was his name (my wife thought he was a she when she got him) and like Grumpy, one day things weren't right and we lost him that afternoon. So unexpected leaving a hole in our lives. I fear more than anything else, the day I loose my Sinbad. Take care.

Rob (ourfrenchgarden) said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Remember, you gave him the best life you could.

A very sad post.

Curbstone Valley Farm said...

Oh Randy, I am so sorry. It can be especially hard on the dogs, just like us humans. We had that happen to our old dog, whose cat (yes it was her cat) was her very best friend in the world. We used to joke that cat was her teddy bear :( Hugs to all of you.

tina said...

So sorry Randy.

Florez Nursery said...

Randy You are starting my day with tears in my eyes.Thanks for sharing the story
cheers Ian

sweetbay said...

I am so sorry Randy. Pets truly are family members. It's clear Grumpy was much loved.

Les said...

I am so sorry you lost your Grumpy. Peace to the two of you and you to your other animals.

Ginny said...

My heart goes out to you and Meg. We lost our lovable dog in June and miss her so much. Unconditional love - that's what our pets give us - and it hurts so much when we lose them.

F Cameron said...

So sorry for your loss. I understand how it is to lose a furkid.


Bonnie K said...

My condolences. I'm sure you made the right decision.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Grumpy. What a pretty cat he was. I'll keep you and Meg in my thoughts.

L. Ambler said...

So sorry to hear you lost Grumpy. I know there's a hole in your hearts.

Shady Gardener said...

A sad day indeed, Randy and Meg. You'll have a few of them, as it's obvious he was very much an integral part of your lives. But you have many good memories. Isn't it interesting to be able to understand how the dogs miss him, too. After all, they had their relationships and habits. :-)

ann said...

I am sorry that you have lost Grumpy. We end up with big hole in heart when we lose our dear little friends.

eileeninmd said...

I am so sorry for your loss of Grumpy. It is sad to lose our family pets, after all they are a big part of our family. You will always have your wonderful memories. Take care!

Alison said...

Randy, big hugs! I know exactly how much grief you are going through, we lost a similar cat, so affectionate and loving, a real lap cat, several years ago to what sounds like the exact same thing, a blood clot that cut off the flow of blood to his hind legs. I still miss that cat, so I know you will miss him for a long time too.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Oh Randy, I am so sorry. Sad to lose such a good friend.

Randy Emmitt said...

Meg and I want to thank everyone that has given us their best wishes about the passing of Grumpy. It means a great deal to us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Oh and guess what Valentine was the coffee kitty this morning, somewhat like Grumpy used to do.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

So sorry to read this, Randy. As I'm typing this, one of my kitties is curled up on my lap. They are such great companions and I know Grumpy will be missed. Sounds like he had loving, caring owners so he was very fortunate. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Grieving the passing of pets is so difficult.

Appalachian Lady said...

I am so sorry--it is always a very sad day to lose a cherished pet. I am glad though you took that walk to see some winter flowers.

Just Jenn said...

I'm so sorry to hear the bad news about your fur baby. He will always be with you in your heart.

Q said...

Hugs. Our pets are family.
Grumpy had a very good life with you.