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Friday, March 11, 2011

Bottle Wall, Day Three

Well I did not spend but a few hours today on the bottle wall design and cleaning bottles. Still we'll call it another day. I think I need to make the flower taller so it stands out more. Also the clear bottles between the left side leaves, I think square clear bottles would improve it. Please feel free to provide input.

The seeds I planted on Sunday last week, the Common Thyme is already up, that was fast. Speaking of already up,  found a peony 4 inches high today. Other things in the garden some Anemone blanda I forgot that I planted next to the rocks in the old water garden, one is blooming. This anemone likes sun and warmth to bloom so I'll waiting to get a photo.
Above and below are some primroses we bought last fall at Camellia Forest. Clifford Parks hybridizes primroses and I think these were culls. Both plants the flowers are close to the ground, hoping next year if they survive they will improve.

First thing in the morning I'm going to a beginner beekeeping class a little over an hour from here. The class is 4 days, this weekend and next weekend. Also one of the participants will win a complete bee hive with bees and a queen. Not bought the hive yet, maybe I'll win the hive! We have bees on order for around the first of May. Three pounds of bees, somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 bees!


  1. Very cool, love the bottle wall. And your flowers are gorgeous. I am looking forward to see some flowers here soon. Wonderful photos.

  2. Wow, I have 2 cases of blue bottles, You may have inspired me to go beyond the bottle tree.

  3. Your wall is a fun mosiac, one of these patterns will suit you and it will be so. I think it is fun.

    Have a great time with your beekeeping class. There was a class similar to what you describe in my area. I am curious about the beekeeping. You will have to keep us posted on pros and cons of the hive life.

  4. I haven't left any comments for a while but I want you to know that I am enjoying all the activity at your place. You, and the garden, seem to have come alive! Can't wait to see the bottle wall finished.

  5. Your wall is looking great Randy! Beautiful blues and I love the one mauve one. What could that bottle have been? Lovely primroses. You are so awake . . . well into spring, where here there are snow flurries over the white landscape. Still the birds are singing! Spring is stirring here too. I saw snowdrops outside of the Smith College conservatory the other day.

  6. Keep us posted on your beekeeping adventure. I have always thought it would be a great thing to do.

  7. Everyone,

    The beekeeping class so far I have learned a lot. Today one of the state bee inspectors is giving a talk on diseases and pests. * people in the class so I have a 1 in 8 chance of wins the hive.

    Carol, the mauve bottle is a pink flower vase I found in the recycling, I have a red one also.

  8. Good for you for taking up bee-keeping! Honeybees are definitely beleaguered.

    I'm keen on providing native habitat for pollinators of all sorts, but it seems like it's one garden at a time....


  9. Looks great, but I wasn't able to make out the flower immediately. May be you should try a different color for the flower than the leaves.

    Lovely Primroses!

  10. ohh that Anemone is GORGEOUS!!! I planted a few different types of anemone seeds I received in trades, but I don't think they were very fresh.. no sprouts yet.

    Do anemones grow from cuttings? Maybe I can find someone local that grows them..

    I LOVE your bottle wall! That is really awesome!! Great job!

