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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bottle Wall, Day Two

 Been working pretty hard and have not had the time to do much towards the bottle wall. We had a much needed rain last night and are supposed to get more today so I stayed home. Tinkered cleaning bottles, they clean easier when wet from rain. I do have a lot of buckets to soak bottles in too.

Here is a design I made in the creative zone.

After placing bottles into the design.
 A close up of my blue flower. The pink eye is a flower vase I found in the recycling bins, there was also a red one. See the triangle shaped blue bottle? That brand of vodka now uses blue plactic bottles, this one must have been around for a while before someone recycled it.

 This pile of cleaned bottles was almost used up making the design in the sand. I need more clear bottles a lot more clear ones. This pile is a fraction of the pile behind my shed, I took a photo, you do not want to see, nor does Meg.

I have been working on a page here with our plant photos on them. If you like hellebores you really want to see this page, it is a work in progress.

I wanted to take a photo of our Swiss Card before we picked any of it. Meg made quiche (if I got the spelling right) pie with it last night. It was yummy! Not had chard in some time as the greens in the cold frame have been filling our greens needs now for about 6 weeks. Still hard to tell any chard was picked?
Here is our Rape starting to flower. I think it is what is also called Chinese Broccoli. The mustard greens are also going to flower. The Red Mustard we planted Sunday before last is already showing red and green.
 The hyacinths have started to open up. These news ones are supposed to be fragrant, nothing like I can remember in years past. 

Last note. On Sunday while it was raining I planted some seeds inside, 4 kinds of tomatoes( Rutgers, Jubilee, Big Rainbow and Roma), Genovese Italian Basil, Sweet Basil, Common Thyme and  Serrano Peppers. Still to early for sprouting, I am watching them.


  1. That missing shot of your bottle cache would make me very jealous - love the idea of a bottle wall - can't wait to see the results. Of course I am jealous of your blue blue hyacinth - lovely!

  2. Man that is going to be a lot of bottles.LOL! I really like the layout of your bottles. It is going to look wonderful.

  3. The bottle wall is shaping up quite nicely! Can't wait to see the final pictures. Carla

  4. I too am curious to see the end results of your bottle wall..your veggies look very healthy, yum!

  5. That is a mess of wine bottles, and there are more???? whoa.
    Nice greens!

  6. The bottle design is looking good! We are planning to grow chard this year, somehow I imagine it won't look as healthy and full as yours does. If I remember right you two always have sugar snaps peas ready early. We need to get ours planted soon.

  7. Everyone,

    This is just a first draft of the design. Putting bottles to it clearly show it needs much tweaking. Thanks for your comments.

  8. Looking forward to seeing this creative process through! It's going to be awesome. Your veggies look so healthy, nice work. Would love some hellebore plants, maybe we can get over there at some point on Sunday? We'll see....

  9. I'm very curious to see how your bottle project will turn out! I just know that my wife would have a fit if I started collecting so many bottles like that! The hellebore pictures are awesome!

  10. nice idea and decoration
