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Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Flowers!

Yesterday after beekeeping class Meg and I went for a walk at the local nature park. One hillside had lots of Trout Lilies in bloom. No other spring flowers were seen. It was a lovely walk  along the Little River on a 78 degree day.  Not had the chance to see if our Trout Lily hillside is blooming...

Oh, BTW the complete bee hive that is being given away to one student in my class, I have a 1 in 8 chance of winning it!
 Above is our first ever anemone bloom at Paradise. I planted these late last fall and forgot I planted them. What's new I forget things once in a while, hush Meg... The others I planted in the backyard garden in January are up with leaves! The fall anemones I ordered from Holland last year one is showing signs of life. I feared all were dead including the gallon pot purchased locally.
OK, I miss IDed the crocus featured below as Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc', not sure what it is?? The crocus above is Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc. Both these crocus are big for crocuses!
Squirrels are in big trouble here! Saturday morning I filled 3 suet feeders, Sunday afternoon all have been chewed apart leaving the suet feeders empty..

Rain is coming tomorrow, well needed here. The Spring Peepers are finally making some decent choruses. Sunday night we left a door open until about 8 pm and enjoyed a level 4-5 concert on a scale of 10.

Also our first spring butterfly showed up today. I say spring as it emerged this spring unlike some of the butterflies that wintered over. It was a Spring Azure, lovely and it landed next to me in the garden.


  1. Beekeeping class, followed by a nature walk with trout lilies and forgotten anemones in bloom - you do live in Paradise! Well, except for those squirrels...

  2. All so delicate, ephemeral and totally about spring! Can you believe it is finally here!!!

  3. My husband said he saw a big butterfly yesterday....though no idea what kind.
    Will plant my Anemones tomorrow.
    Love that Trout lily.

  4. You have Yellow troutlilies! very pretty! (Ours are white.)

    Looks Spring-y over there. I raked about 3/4 of the leaves off most of my flower beds today. I left them handy, though. March weather is still predictably unpredictable here. ;-)

  5. It's great to see spring flowers, their bright,smiling, faces! Aaah! What a sight!

  6. Piękna wiosna!
    Może to Crocus chrysanthus 'Prins Claus'?

  7. Don't fret Randy, you are not the only gardener that forgets that you planted something or where exactly you planted them...I have a couple of things I am watching myself, not sure what they are or how they got there, hmm. You really should try lavender in a container and only water when droopy...that's the only way I can grow it successfully.

  8. Beautiful blooms and I am so intrigued with your Bottle Wall! Hey, I saw Yellow and Black Tiger swallows over the weekend!

  9. wiseacre1:19 PM

    I love trout lilies (or anything that gives me an excuse to lay down)

    There's still too much snow here but it is in retreat. I may see blooms this month if the warming isn't interrupted by a cold snap.

    Maple Sugaring season is off to a sweet start :)

  10. Too early for frogs and toads here at the house, but they are very busy at work trying to get a head start on the snakes.

  11. Beautiful photos of your spring flowers Randy! but i still want to know the fate or your Sabrina banana which you covered with basin! haha.

  12. Thanks for the lovely shots! You're a few weeks ahead of me, but it's great to see what's coming soon! Thanks!

  13. That Crocus with the purple outside could be Crocus chrysanthus 'Ladykiller'. I'm not sure what the big white one is. I have some in the woods that were just called Giant White. They are way bigger than 'Jeanne d'Arc'.

  14. Wonderful Trout lily shot Randy! Lovely blooms all around.

  15. 78 degrees?!?!?! with our overcast and rainy days, mid-50 is all we can hope for. :)

    1 in 8, eh? pretty good odds... we'll be hoping you get it. Love your bottle wall, Randy.

  16. Can't wait to see how your bottle wall turns out! I need to check to see if my Trout Lily has come up yet.

  17. Beautiful pictures. I saw a yellow butterfly of some sort come flitting by here last week. Helen
