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Sunday, March 07, 2010

More on Pine Knot Farm

Thought I'd show a few hellebore photos from the open house at Pine Knot Farm.
This is Paperbush, Edgeworthia chrysantha I took this photo at Duke Gardens, yet Pine Knot's gardens had much larger plants.

Today Meg and I cleaned the house in the morning and worked in the gardens in the afternoon. I cleaned up the large perennial bed next to the deck and hand pulled 15 gallons of acorns that had 6 inch roots. Then raked up the side yard path and  back yard. Meg cleaned out the veggy gardens and planted 3 small patches of Sugar Snap Peas.

Today's Wildlife report: I found a Spring Peeper, Meg dug up a Bull Frog too cold to jump away. Heard Upland Chorus Frogs, saw Eastern Red Newts and Eastern Painted Turtles in the pond.  Meg saw the first yard butterfly while I was making lunch :( it was an anglewing meaning either a Question Mark or Eastern Comma..


  1. Love the hellebores... thank you... mine are actually showing signs of renewal after the winter! LC

  2. What a great variety of H.! I love the dramatic dark one - fifth from the top.

  3. What a spectacular assortment. If I didn't know they were poisonous, I'd sit down with a spoon if front of that dish in your previous post.

  4. That looks like sunshine on those photos! I'm a little envious, but happy to at least see some photos of sunshine.

  5. Great pictures as usual!

    It sounds like the weather was great there too!

  6. that paperbush is so cool looking! but all of that talk about cleaning and work is making me want to crawl back in bed (it's a Monday...)

  7. So many beautiful hellebores it's hard to single out any one. I am encouraged when I read in an earlier blog post that you didn't have any last year and now quite a few. I planted four last year after salivating about them on other peoples blogs. I hope to get some blooms myself but nothing like what you have I'm sure!
    You have a terrific snowdrop photo yourself! It's definitely looking like spring there.

  8. I find myself drawn more and more to hellebores. SF garden show is coming up - I think I'll look for one or two for a pot in a shady area.

    I can totally relate to your satisfying cleanu-up chores - we were also in the thick of similar chores this weekend.

  9. Beautiful light in these H. Randy and I love love the single ones! Lovely Paperbush too! Sounds like spring is all about you... I wish I could say I was able to do spring cleaning in and out! I cannot wait to hear the peepers!

  10. Lovely Hellebores. I am especially smitten with the fourth one.

  11. I've always wanted to grow the Paperbush. The hellebores are lovely.

  12. Seeing a bee on the Hellebore makes me want to grow them! I will do some research to see if they are native to my area. How very wonderful to see the first butterfly of the season. I have been watching for the Question Mark or the Eastern Common to wake up. I have had a couple of honey bees on the crocus. A non-native but I just have to have a few!
    My husband and I were also out cleaning up in the gardens. Spring rains have arrived. It is still early but nice to get a junp on things. Looking forward to planting potatoes and peas.

  13. Hellebores are all over the place this time of year! What wonderful flowers they have. I bought a couple new ones this year myself.

  14. Glad to see you are getting in the garden! Your 15 gallons of acorns cracked me up. I caught a cold lizard this past weekend. He was hiding under some stuff in the shed. I took him out of the shed and put him under some debris so he could wake up properly. He would die in the shed with no escape route. I am sure he got in there when the door was open last fall.

    I could not be a judge for the hellebores as I think they are all so beautiful… Nice pictures…

  15. Thank you Randi for you comment, I think I have fixed it now. Please have a look and tell me. I see you have fun spring now...wow isn't it fantastic with all those blooms. I saw your Helleborus post too now that's amazing!
