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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hocus Pocus Crocus

Well nearly all the crocus I planted last fall have came up and are blooming.
This is Crocus ancyrensis "Golden Bunch" the first crocus that bloomed this spring. It is kind of leggy but produced lots of blooms.

Crocus sieberi "Tricolor" below

Above and below is crosuc "Flower Record" these are very big and showy around 6 inches tall.
Crocus "Pickwick" another common yet showy crocus nearly as big as Flower Record.

My new favorite crocus  above and below Crocus chrysanthus "Blue Bird" Looks very white inside!

I mixed these in with Blue Bird which bloomed first. Here above and below is Crocus chrysanthus "Blue Pearl"
Below is a mass of crocuses we saw at Pine Knot Farms last week.
 Below is an all white crocus, do not know the name.

Just wanted to show the maple tree flowers blooming right now! Most people never notice them, they are very small.

Can anyone tell me what this is? It apparently came with some hellebores we dug up last fall. This cluster is about 8-10 inches wide and the leaves are about an inch across.

Planted grass seed today and aerated the soil, hoping some of the mud will become grass someday. The best time I have found to plant grass is into snow, but I never got to do it this year. Also planted Texas Sweet Onions, Red onions, Swiss Chard, Rapi (kale) and radishes before it rained.


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Dear Randy and Meg, Your crocuses are lovely and really do suggest that spring is on the way. I say that although here in Budapest it has been snowing all day and remains very cold. Not a crocus in sight!

    I rather think that your unidentified plant, judging by its leaves, may be some form of Ranunculus, celandine. If so, then it will almost certainly have yellow flowers.

  2. I love the Flower Record and Pickwick. I need to plant more crocus in the fall. I have cleared out space beneath a vitex (it's big enough now that the perennials were to shaded), so I'm going to turn that space into a ground cover area with spring bulbs.

  3. Crocus come in with so many colours. Beautiful. Could it be a specie of begonia, that last photograph? ~bangchik

  4. They are really pretty and most welcome. I love those blue ones.

  5. Beautiful crocuses! My guess is that the mystery plant is a cyclamen.

  6. Edith,

    Thanks for the help on the mystery plant, both the ones you mention I know nothing about. Hope the snow stops and spring begins there soon.

    The crocuses you like are common at big box stores, the others are special ordered ones. I'm sure what ever you pick they will cheer you up next spring.

    I don't think these are begonias but I could be wrong.

    The blue ones are eye catching. Our Peepers are calling at a 7 on a scale to 10 tonight. Pretty loud inside with the doors and windows closed.

  7. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Crocuses always make me happy!

  8. Crocus are some of my faves that I can no longer grow since I moved to Florida. Thank you so much for the amazing photos!

  9. Yes, I definately need more crocus.

    I'll throw another guess into the mystery plant pot - Asarum.

  10. Great photos and what cheery flowers! I love how you have them massed.

    There are maple trees like that outside my office and I've been enjoying them :) You're probably right that most people don't even notice.

  11. Thanks for the pic of the Maple flowers, I've never seen those before.

    Crocuses look so delicate and pretty but they are tough as old boots. You got a wonderful collection!

  12. Nice crocuses! Ours are still just little green leaves. I like to look at the maple blooms too. They are hardly noticed on a single tree but when you see the maples bloom all together it's impressive.

  13. Randy and Meg, beautiful crocus!

    By the way, did you get something in the mail?

  14. What a nice collection of Crocuses! I'm waiting for my Pickwick to bloom. I think after seeing your white ones I'll add some of those next fall.

  15. Beautiful collection of blooms. I can't wait until my crocus bulbs start blooming.

  16. aloha,

    wow, what wonderful crocus blooms you have blooming in your garden today...wish i could still grow those in my zone...but we can't grow everything now can we :(

  17. Hi! Repaying your visit to my blog with a visit to yours. Lovely crocus pics. I don't think I realized how many varieties there really are. I MUST have MORE! LOL

  18. What beautiful and cheerful Crocus they are, a lovely splash of colour! I'm pretty sure your mystery leaves are Cyclamen.

  19. Those are some pristine camellias! Ours have been looking a little battered from the extra cold winter. Your veggie plantings sound yummy!

  20. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I don't think your 'mystery leaves' are cyclamen, but, like Edith said, it's lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria).

  21. Great pictures! You are a wonder with a macro!

    I think Les may be right, an asarum.


    (Sorry, I am link challenged...)

    Good luck with it and keep us posted!

  22. Perhaps boring to add another comment saying I love your crocus shots... but a boring plant this is not! Your pics are wonderful too. Can't believe it has taken me so long to start appreciating it :-D

    I'd say the leaves are cyclamen too :-)
