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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Pine Knot Farms Hellebores

Yesterday Meg and I went to open house at Pine Knot Farms. Next Friday and Saturday are the last days of the open house so if you want to go, better plan on it next weekend. needless to say we went over our budget by purchasing 6 hellebores and one primrose developed right here in Chapel Hill by Clifford Parks. If I can say one word about Pine Knots gardens hellebore AND crocus overload!

A sampling of photos.
The above photo was taken inside with the G11 very impressive. Right click it for the full size image to save on your desk top if you like.

Taken from a distance as the gardens were quite deep with plants.

This is a special crocus, the first bloom in the garden at Pine Knot it was a hitchhiker on a hellebore plant from Croatia. Simply beautiful.

What can I say, I loved the above crocus photo.
Did see my first 2010 butterfly yesterday a disappointment given it was a cabbage White at Meg's school.

My visit to Sara P Duke Gardens yielded a lot of camellia japonica in bloom. I realized Julia's Chapel Hill garden has much prettier hellebores than what I saw at Duke gardens. Though half of the hellebores were not out yet as that side of the hill was much shadier.

Camellia japonica 'adeyaka' from Duke Gardens

Got gardening to do today with temps in the 60s so I can't give full details, I'll do another post with lots of photos on the Pine Knot gardens hellebores and crocuses.


  1. Randy your first picture is a winner! The most beautiful Hellebore shot ever in my opinion. Lucky you! To click on it is a must to see the true vibrant colors! A stunning Croatia crocus too! Wow! Enjoy your 60's! ;>) Carol

  2. Hi Randy,
    We don't grow Hellebores or Crocus down here but I am always interested to see them. You got some great photos and I can hear the excitement and see why you loved seeing these pretties.

  3. I came to blotanical briefly while eating lunch, then I need to work more in the house. Our kitchen remodel is set to start a week from Tuesday.

    I see that the picks lists are working again, and yours was the first I clicked on when I saw the title. I love all those varieties of hellebores! Part of the beauty of them is the different colors they come in.

    Thanks for your reassurance about my hellebores' welfare. I am so tickled some are almost ready to bloom.

    Enjoy your 60s!

  4. The first picture is awesome! I would love to visit Pine Knot Farms. My hellebores are finally blooming! I am so excited!

  5. I am always excited to see pictures of crocus; I know how special they are to gardeners up north. We don’t get that feeling here in Florida with year around gardens.

  6. I planted nine hellebores several years ago. Now I have many, many babies, which I am transplanting to make a ground cover in an area near my Lady Garden. There are pinks, purples, whites, creams, spotted, and I had to restrain myself this year from spending a small fortune on yet another variety I saw recently. I can't say I won't give in. I do love the hellebore blooms. I have enjoyed looking at your photos of hellebores and camellias in this and your last few posts.

  7. Randy, your photos in the last several posts are simply beautiful; this first shot however is exquisite.. and I love the three double hellebore blooms. Spring is here!

  8. What great pictures of our early spring flowers!

    I love crocuses for their hardiness and fresh early colors, and ease of planting and care.

  9. What a great way to display Hellebore blooms. That is beautiful. I love the crocus, both of them. The lighting in the shots really brings out their color.

  10. I put my question, how to put all those photos in the tub and a link to open them, in the previous post, i thought i clicked the right post. Your photos are so beautiful, they really look so alive!

  11. Oh i am sorry about the above question, without clicking it first, i thought individual flowers open individually. I am sorry, it's okay now, i just realized my mistake.
