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Monday, January 04, 2010

Western Dragonflies Part 1

I trust everyone had a better start of the new year than I did? Saturday night I ate at a restaurant  with the family. Sunday morning I had food poisoning all the way home from Charleston WV to home. Not much fun to say the least.

On the brighter side I did get to meet two new members of our family! Hailey my almost 2 month old grand niece and  Landon my 4 month old grand nephew!

Been thinking about the images I took in Yosemite this past summer and realized I did not cover the dragonflies on this blog. They were hard to find compared to the butterflies.

I'm not 100% sure on this ID I believe it is an immature  female
Red-Veined Meadowhawk, Sympetrum madidum

This meadowhawk on the barbed wire acted the same as a Variegated Meadowhawk, Sympetrum corruptum that I found on barbed wire in the Sierra Nevada Mountains about 8 years ago. I looked at all my field guides and finally concluded it was a Red-veined Meadowhawk which was an entirely new species for me.

Variegated Meadowhawk, Sympetrum corruptum male. The lower abdomen spots and tri-colored stigmas were helpful to get this ID. The almost mated pair shown below were found on the way out of Yosemite at a lower elevation.

More to come soon, sure beats the temperatures in the  teens we are getting every morning!


  1. It is so hard to get good photographs of dragonflies! Your photos are fabulous Randy! A joy to see! I just saw Avatar today and your meadowhawks have that other worldly quality. Wonderful light.

  2. Ugh, sorry to hear about the food poisoning. :(

    Fabulous dragonfly shots. I love the colors in their eyes.

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Hi Randy~~ I can almost feel the heat of an August sun and smell the evaporating pond water. And look over on that rock--dragonflies sunbathing! It all seems so impossible right now but in a few short months all of this winter garbage will seem impossible.

    I like your new blog template. Happy 2010.

  4. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Hi Randy....sorry to hear about the food poisoning.

    Your dragonfly photos are stunning!! Always a pleasure to come here and learn more about them.

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Oh what beautiful and cheering sights, Randy, thanks so much for showing these! I agree, looking through the photo files gives hours of pleasure during this sub freezing days. We appreciate the identification and congrats on a new one for your record keeping! I hope 2010 brings the very best to you and yours, excluding that nasty food poisoning incident! Yikes!

  6. Morning Randy, What fabulous photos. The male Meadowhawk just glows...the wings look irisdescent. That was probably the longest trip home from Charleston ever! What a shame. Hope you are feeling 100% now.

  7. Food poisoning while traveling is terrible! I had to get rehydrated in a hospital after a bout like that some years ago. Hope you're doing better and taking it easy.

    Those photos are incredible. The wings of the Variegated Meadowhawk just glow like jewels in the sun.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me some region-specific advice on those cukes!

  8. As usual, your photos are stunning!!

    And I wouldn't know one dragonfly from another. These could be sufferingis hoptoits for all I know.
    But they're still wonderful to look at.
    Thanks for posting them.

  9. Randy, such phenomenal photos.I am so amazed at the heads and the reflective quality.

    So happy you're feeling better!

  10. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning, glad the rest of the trip was good.
    What great (as usual) dragonfly pictures! I love being able to see all the detail you are able to capture.

  11. randy.
    alice and i were in florida visiting my folks for the holidays and on friday nite i received the gift of food poisoning. it just kept on giving. i can't even imagine traveling in that condition especially in mountainous WV. you weren't eating at a outback steakhouse that nite were you?? hope you're recovering quickly and taking it easy.

  12. I am trusting you feel better now. Sad...never a good thing to get food poisoning!
    I love your photos... as always very intriguing!

  13. Thanks everyone for commenting! I'm fully recovered from the food poisoning.


    Hope your better?
    I ate the Chicken and Noodles deep dish dinner at Bob Evans Restaurant. The 5 hours I spent in the hospital getting fluids and checked out really brought me to health quicker than I could have believed.

  14. I'm glad to read that you're feeling better, Randy. What a terrible experience. As always, I admire your photos. Have a great day! :-)

  15. Those are amazingly sharp dragonfly photos. I can never get enough looking at dragonflies, I think they are my all-time favourite insect.
