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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I walked out

on the pond this morning! Only moved out to about a foot deep. Tomorrow I'll walk out further and Sunday I hope to walk across the pond. Lived here 12 years and only once the pond was 'skated on', we are in the south folks! The rain barrel has ice about 8 inches thick.

I recall my dad telling me of a cold winter in southern Ohio where people were driving trucks a mile across the Ohio River to Kentucky.

Then in 1977 I recall personally walking out on the Ohio River about 50 feet, my friend Louie went out over 100 foot, the river was not frozen over, so it was pretty risky. One night it got down to -26 degrees F I went on a date and the car over heated. I walked 1/4 mile to get water in a gallon jug and could not pour the water out of the jug! If I recall correctly the entire month of February 1977 in Cincinnati never went above 0 degrees?

Meg was working on a sheep farm in PA in 1977 she says it was terrible trying to do anything for the sheep.

The only good thing I can say about this cold air right now is the mud is frozen and the porch I'm building is not covered in mud. I did have to wipe frost off from the lumber to mark it before cutting it.


  1. It's hard for me to get my head around the weather you're experiencing. I just enjoyed a nice warm 70F afternoon. I hope your garden comes through the cold ok. Stay warm!

  2. Man! Your cold weather is colder than what we are having......which is hard to believe as we are pretty close geographically. Our creek has ice all the way across but because it is tidal it has broken in places and is not to be walked upon. We did have a winter in 1993 that the kids could walk across the creek. They discovered other kids living across the creek. (their elementary school boundary line was the creek---didn't know the kids who went to another elementary school.)
    With hope this artic blast is just about over.

  3. Michelle,
    We are in eastern North Carolina and it has been in the upper teens or low twenties every night for the past two weeks and we have at least another week of this left. Last year Meg and I planted peas in mid January.

    We are in mostly shade during the winter, the sun shines maybe 3-4 hours a day during these short days. So melting is slow here. Better than Ohio we saw 10 degrees there last week.

  4. We're having a bit of a cold snap aren't we? The coldest winter I can rememeber in these parts was the winter of '76-'77. Agree, at least the mud is frozen!

  5. I hope that pond is frozen deep enough when you try walking on it. Of course I can't swim so it would make me very cautious. Helen

  6. It has been balmy here ... all of 17 last night. Be careful on your pond Randy... I always love the sound the frozen ponds and lakes make and the sudden cracks ... eerie! Good luck with your porch project. Carol

  7. Walk on water! Wow, sounds fun! I say it's cold here, wonder what adjective I can use for those temps.!

  8. I got about 3 feet out on the neighborhood pond. I think I could do more, but didn't feel like taking a dip and came back.

  9. Wow, that's pretty amazing! We've been lucky so far with rather mild weather, but we're still waiting for the promised El Nino rain...

  10. Yikes~! You are working outside in this freezing weather? I am snuggled down inside though itching to get outside. I hope your pond freezes and you and Meg put on some skates and go skating. I'm from Maine so it's a prerequisite to have skates in my garage:) I'm hoping I can someday skate down here. There are some vernal ponds frozen over but not the deep ones. Funny story on your car overheating. Happy New Year!

    And thanks for the info on the paulownia.

  11. Well, work outdoors if you must... and I know - Mr. Shady has been outdoors all day, and it started at 10 degrees below 0F. In fact, the birdbath heater couldn't even keep the water thawed!! I last checked around noon and it was 8 degrees... Too cold for me. (All I've done was get the mail and fill the 3 suet feeders!)
