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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blooming on Christmas Eve!

Meg and I are sending
Seasons Greetings to everyone!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season extending well into the New Year.
This Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro" is blooming in the back yard the 2 foot tall bush has two flowers on it. The bad news is that the deer have munched about half of my Camellia Japonica 'Debutante' and nibbled on two other camellias. I walked outside last night and heard them moving around in the back yard last night.

Above is an Helleborus foetidus that was given to me this fall! On the job where I'm building a new porch she has maybe 10 of these much closer to blooming than mine. I have been offered bavies and will get some.

Johnny Jump up from the edge of the back porch. This is planted under the eaves and has missed our recent snow. The snow is still melting here, but rain is expected tomorrow. In fact thunder storms are expected???

This maple tree can be seen from the kitchen window, the dark spot is sap. A tree that saps like this one damaged two years ago by a backhoe will attract insects. I did find some ants on the sap today, but at was only around 40 degrees outside. If we get warmer weather and the sap continues to flow we will see butterflies on it. This area has seen 2 butterflies about a month ago that might have been sapping, a Question Mark and Mourning Cloak. I'll let you know what develops.


  1. Hi there Randy & Meg, ah now… I’m a fan of the hellebore :-D

    Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010 to you and yours :-D

  2. The camellia is very pretty and the Hellebore is getting close to opening.
    Hope you and Meg have a Merry Christmas!

  3. Your 'Kanjiro' is lovely Randy. Bother about the Deer! I love Johnny Jump Ups! Sweet face! I look forward to seeing your butterflies sapping! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE! Merry Christmas! Carol

  4. Interesting about the sap!

    Seasons Greetings to y'all as well!!

  5. Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!

  6. We have roses in full bloom on this christmas Eve and it is wonderful. Looks like you are celebrating the flowers of the season just the same. Happy Holidays!

  7. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Kanjiro is a wonderful Christmas gift to be blooming now. I may try a camellia in container on my sheltered deck.

  8. Love the Camellia and the Viola. Sorry for the damage to Debutante.

    I look forward to the butterflies, always.

    Merry Christmas

  9. Merry Christmas!
    That is a gorgeous camellia, lucky you!

  10. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Interesting that the sap attracts the butterflies, but I guess it should. Sorry about the deer eating the camellias...rotten critters.

  11. Happy Holidays! ;)

  12. Love those camellias blooming this time of year! A very Merry Christmas to you and Meg, too. Keep those great photos of butterflies and bugs coming in 2010.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  13. Lovely Camelia though Johnny Jump Ups always hold a special place in my heart. (And, my garden!)

    Happy New Year

  14. Hi Randy,
    Thanks for visiting Wings Among Us and your kind comments. You have a great blog with brilliant photos. I particularly love the Cardinals, they're gorgeous
    Best regards
    Rosmadi aka madibirder

  15. That camellia is stunning!!

    All good wishes for 2010...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  16. Hi Randy and Meg, I hope I can keep up with the progress report on this tree! We have had a couple of trees that "ran sap" a couple of years ago and attracted butterflies. (Ours are oak trees.)

  17. Anonymous11:30 PM

    How lucky you are to have flowers in January! Have your hellebores bloomed yet? I can't wait for mine! I just planted them this year, so I've even seen them bloom.

  18. Hi Randy & Meg - very Happy New Year to you - I've not had a great deal of time for visiting blogs and posting recently but was determined to get round my favorites before february arrived!! Love the photos of the birds in previous postings - many species we dont' get in France. Take care Miranda

  19. Your gonna hate me, but I do that to select trees in my woods on purpose. Got my lifer Southern Pearly-eye like that.

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