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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Pink Flamingo Contest is still on!

The contest is still on, the pink flamingo is still standing out in the middle of our pond! The ice still covers to entire pond, two days ago it looked like there was open water on one side.
I'll recap the details on the contest:
The first 4 people to guess the date the Pink Flamingo floats in the pond wins a copy of my interactive CD book on the Butterflies of the Carolinas andVirginias. This CD covers every butterfly found in the Carolinas and the Virginias with excellent photos of every butterfly, 95 % of those taken by yours truly.

The flamingo is resting in mulch and the date(s) closest to when the flamingo and mulch float apart in the pond wins the contest.

So far we have these 18 entries:

Dave Jan 16
Shady Jan 17
Grace Jan 19
Di Jan 20
Tom Jan 22
Catherine Jan 22
Ginger Jan 24
Kim and Victoria Jan 28
Noelle Jan 29
Kathleen Jan 30
Meg Jan 30
Nancy Feb 3
Tina Feb 4
Ali Feb 13
Rosey Feb 14
Neil Jean Feb 28
Les March 7
Janet March 15

So those of you that have not guessed yet please leave a comment to when you think it'll float.

Both of these photos were taken about 9AM this morning January 16th.


  1. I would not know what to guess but will throw out Jan. 30th ... Full Moon. Thanks for the identification Randy! I thought of you and Meg when in the Butterfly Conservatory! ;-) Carol

  2. We guess the morning of the 18th!
    What fun!

    --Alice and Stuart

  3. Randy, I'm attempting to send some of this 50 degrees eastward. ;)

  4. february 1st, its a gonner!

  5. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Never, the water will recede.

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Hi Randy~~ I'm still hoping for the 19th. If not for the flamingo's sake, then for yours. I'm sure you're ready for a warm-up.

  7. Hey Randy,
    You won my contest! E-mail me your mailing address (ginger_gibson at comcast.net) and I'll get the package out on Tuesday.
    Thanks again for reading/entering!

  8. Ah! Well I always go with superstition for things like this so I'll say February 13, as 13 is my lucky number. not that i'm superstitious. Your CD sounds marvellous and you must have put a lot of time into it. There's a fellow I know in our area who is a butterfly expert. It's possible we may collaborate in the future on some kind of publication, me providing editorial and design skills to produce his knowledge in some useful format. I'd like to know more about your CD.

  9. What fun, I'll guess Feb 7.

  10. This sounds like fun. I'm going to guess my birthday, Jan. 25.

  11. Looks as though the weather would have to do some drastic changing if the flamingo were to float today! :-) Fun contest... want to let me try again?? ha.

  12. Jan 21. Spring ice off is still four months away here in Colorado.
