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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Time to check garden center for sales!

Yesterday I was in Home Depot in Chapel Hill/ Durham and the garden center was pretty empty of plants. I looked around and found 3 varieties of one gallon camellias for $3.33 each marked down from $9.99 each. So I picked out one of each of these Camellia sasanqua Maiden's Blush (pink), Camellia japonica Rosehill Red and a locally developed Camellia japonica Turandot. I was not familiar with any of these varieties and after looking them up on the net I was pretty happy.

Just wanted to put out the word some deals might be out there to be had.

I'll be heading to Belize on Friday!

One thing  we all need to think about is helping with the relief effort in Haiti. Meg and I support the American Friends Service Committee you can give online or call 1-888-588-2372 I heard on the news tonight that the credit card companies were making a fortune charging up to  3% fees for donation transactions. A check can be sent and 100% of your donation can be utilized by sending your check to:

AFSC Haiti Crisis Fund
1501 Cherry St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102

The American Red Cross and  Doctors Without Borders are also excellent places to donate as well.


  1. Sounds like you DID find some deals.
    So if you are off to Belize....is Meg watching for the flamingo to float? Have a great trip.

  2. Janet,
    Yes some real deals, these camellias could have cost $20 each elsewhere. Meg is on Ocracoke Island for the week on a state paid teachers program to learn about the history of the island. So she'll watch the pond for me while I'm gone.

  3. My HD had camellias at the usual price -- garden center entrance was closed, these were outside, dead blossoms galore. Yuletide and Mino no Yuki (sp) were what I saw. If I have a chance to return, maybe they'll be marked down this week when the manager from another store nearby comes by to do markdowns. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Thanks for the Haiti link - I will be sure to donate. Also you can donate $10 through Red Cross by texting "Haiti" to 90999 - it will go on your cell bill.

  5. Have a wonderful trip! Look forward to your photos! I wholeheartedly support American Friends Service Committee. I called congress last week to urge them to put a stop to credit card companies profiting on this disaster.

  6. I just love finding plants on sale. Unfortunately, when I went to the nursery today, there were none sale...

  7. Some good finds, I'll have to check around here.

  8. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Oh thanks, Randy! The deals available are great at this time of year. Good score on the Camellias. We have found the sasanquas are the best for our area, the most cold hardy. Have fun in Belize, I know that is a paradise on earth. And thanks to for the Haiti link.

  9. Great buy! I just picked up 'April Tyrst' but it wasn't on sale:(
