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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Contest: Guess when the Flamingo floats

I thought a little contest would be in order! The first 4 people to guess the date the Pink Flamingo floats in the pond wins a copy of my interactive CD book on the Butterflies of the Carolinas & Virginias.

Please leave a comment with contact info or E mail me You must live in the US to win in this contest.

As of Sunday the ice in the pond was at least 4 inches thick. When will it melt and the pink flamingo end up floating? The flamingo is resting in mulch on the ice.

Hey can you believe I got Meg out on the pond on Sunday night!

Dot walking over the big cracks in the ice!

Our house as seen from the pond!


  1. I will have to give this some thought! Lovely view of your house and Meg too! It looks as if Dot is pondering the crack.

  2. It looks so peaceful where you live. Lucky you (and Meg)!

    No idea about the flamingo, but what a cute idea. Knowing nothing about your climate, I'll guess.... January 24... That's hoping for a big warm spell, admittedly!!

    Come enter the contest at my blog.

  3. Is this another first? Meg in a picture on the blog? Hi Meg!
    So we have to guess when the Flamingo floats...or is it when we want the bird to float? hahahaa Let's see, if there is a layer 4 inches thick of ice it will take a good long warm up. We are having a couple days of 50+ temps in the next few days, but the lows are still pretty cold (below 32). I think it will be a long time. I guess the Ides of March. :-( gonna be a long and cold winter.

  4. Randy, it looks like you and Meg are having a great time! Hope you get some warm weather soon. How 'bout if that bird floats Wed Jan 20? :)

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Hi Randy ~~ Boy, I haven't seen the weather report for your locale but I'll take a stab at it and say January 19th. We shall see...

    The pond looks inviting and it must be nice to have your home so nearby.

    Here's to a speedy [but not too] warm up.

  6. I say February 4th.

  7. I'll say...this Saturday. Things should warm up soon, or so they say!

  8. Dot is a cutie pie! She looks a little unsure of the ice, like she's not quite sure what to think!

  9. Let's see......I'll guess January 28th.
    Great contest!

  10. Hi Randy, I'm guessing this weekend! Sunday the 17th? I know that probably sounds crazy, but we're expecting some warm weather up here (47 degrees on Saturday with rain). So, I figure that if we get those temps and conditions here - you might get the 60's and rain down there... ;-) Fun contest. Love Meg's pants! Dot looks petrified!
    You have a lovely home... how fun to have the pond right in your backyard. No wonder you get some great photos!! (I'd be out there all the time.)

  11. Mama always said February's a short month. My guess is February 28. I expect we have many of the same butterflies.

  12. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What a beautiful home in such an idyllic setting. My guess is February 3rd. :-)

  13. The mulch will likely warm up faster than the surrounding ice which will reflect sunlight rather then absorb it. So I'm thinking it will be sooner rather than later. Especially with 60 in the forecast for Friday. We've also got a warm rain on the way this weekend, and temperatures above freezing a few nights in a row. Therefore, I'm going to say Jan 22.

  14. Our pond always takes awhile to thaw even after the ground has. I'll say January 22.

  15. Sounds like we have a good start on guesses so far. Those of you that have not entered the date please do so. If for some reason more than 4 people guess the right date I'll send out more interactive butterfly CDs.

    So far we have these entries:

    Dave Jan 16
    Shady Jan 17
    Grace Jan 19
    Di Jan 20
    Tom Jan 22
    Catherine Jan 22
    Ginger Jan 24
    Kim and Victoria Jan 28
    Meg Jan 30
    Nancy Feb 3
    Tina Feb 4
    Neil Jean Feb 28
    Still waiting on Janet and Carols guesses?

  16. mine is the Ides of March....15 March. Beware the Ides of March...Julius Caesar.

  17. I'll go for Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 7th.

  18. Is Dot perhaps questioning the wisdom of being out on the ice? :) Meg looks like she's having a good time. You have a lovely view out onto your pond.

    Unfortunately I'm not good at guessing when flamingos will float.

  19. Oh my goodness, your dog looks a little perplexed at being able to walk on top of the pond. What amazing pictures of an iced-over pond. Um, I think it will float on Jan 29th. Is that one taken yet?

  20. Let's see, there's no way it can stay frozen for long in your part of the country (I don't think) so I'm going to guess Jan 30th. It's good you're enjoying the winter fun it brings. Also, thanks for the tip for id'ing the Cooper's and Sharp-Shinned Hawks. I appreciate it and will take all the help I can get!

  21. I am just going to give a stab in the dark, how about Valentines day?
    Fun idea!

  22. My guess is January 27. Your home is lovely--no wonder you named it Paradise!

  23. Your house is lovely and how nice to have it so close to that pond. Well, as you can see, I didn't make it over for the contest..in fact I didn't know you were having one. That's because I haven't been reading blogs much or leaving comments! So, that's what I get;-) I have been a 'bad blogger friend', I know...but, I'm getting back into it and wanted to say hi. That was certainly a funny contest! But a fantastic gift...man, I would have loved it! So nice of you to offer it. It must be the time of year when everyone wants to have contests and the like, because I, too, am having a Give Away! It's open until March 1 so there's plenty of time. Hope you'll be able to participate. Your nature photos are the best!

  24. see hereclick to read more Check This Outnavigate here see it hereclick for more info
