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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New additions for the garden

Today I walked over to Southern States after eating lunch at the local food co op. All I wanted was suet for our birds. Thought I walk by where they have camellias, instead I was drawn in by several displays of hellebores.  Usually I tend to stay away from trademarked nursery plants, I just don't care for the the principal of trade marking plants. Anyway I picked up one gallon hellebore that is trademarked.

Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘HGC Silvermoon’ What I liked about this one is all the flowers were so upright with reddish green foliage.

This hellebore is from my customers yard in Carrboro, NC. I believe we have lots just like this one in our garden not yet blooming.
Here is my first camellia seedling! Those leaves are just over 1/2 inch long! There is another plant seedling that should have leaves in a day or two. Now if I can keep it alive for 3 years or more to see the blooms.

I mentioned recently that I  thought camellias were sprouting in one of the hellebore beds. Instead there are lots of baby hellebores sprouting.


  1. I have a lot of little hellebore sprouts around my plants. Will they grow where they are, or should I dig them up and put them in pots until they get bigger? Carla

  2. Carla,

    I let the baby hellebores grow leaves about the size of a nickle. Then I transplanting them into pots and keep them in the shade. Then I plant in the garden in the fall.

  3. Randy, my Hellebores are all living --some putting off more leaves than others, but none of them have a bloom nor a bud on them!! I am getting disappointed wth them. Does it take a year for them to produce buds? (they were planted in June, moved in July)
    Congrats on your Camellia seedling, pretty exciting.
    stop by my blog and listen to the frogs in my woods...maybe you can make a full ID. Think they are some kind of Chorus Frogs.
    AND--my daughter's roommate is from Carrboro, and they go up there quite often.

  4. Beautiful plants. I agree, though. I don't like trademarked plants.

  5. When we moved here last summer I was amazed at the sounds of the 'critters' in the woods. We have tons of frogs of all kinds. We do see a few on the deck or patio, but most are deep in the woods.
    thanks for agreeing with the Chorus Frog -- will check the link.

  6. Oh those hellebores-so lovely with those upright flowers and slight pink edging. A very good addition.

  7. Baby hellebores? How old do your plants need to be to get babies?? I hope that happens here! ;-) And I'm jealous about your finding that great-looking plant LIVE and ready to bring home! Fun times at your place.

  8. It's amazing how hellebores seem to have come terribly into fashion in recent years after a long period in obscurity. Amazing and - I think - deserved.

    I will always prefer the white hellebore, I think, but some of the coloured varieties are really stunning, so perhaps eventually I will get around to acquiring a few of those. Maybe next year...

  9. These are indeed stunning! Love to see hellebores...and I get to see them on blogs only!:)

  10. Congrats on that ericsmithii - as you note the value is in their upturned faces! They seem a bit pricey when I look, but still on the wish list. That camellia seedling is a treasure.

  11. Very cool on that Camellia seedling! Do you have any idea what the bloom might look like?

  12. Congratulations on your Camellia seedling Randy! Your Hellebores are so welcoming and lovely! Enjoy!

  13. beautiful and healthy plant.... congratulations!

  14. The Helleborus x ericsmithii really caught my eye. I haven't bought any new seeds yet to start under lights next month,thinking this may be a good one.

    The camellias are so grand..love all the colors. My one and only camellia is not showing buds but it wasn't planted in the right place. We're on the border line for this shrub.

    Always fancy primrose but they never come back so I just use them as early spring annuals.

    I'm still looking at other posts...so I'll be back.

  15. As you know, I adore hellebores. I'm thinking I might try a camellia this year to expand my repertoire. Maybe.~~Dee
