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Monday, November 01, 2010

Fall or springtime?

Meg saw an Eastern Redbud tree in full bloom last week. I found these snowdrops in Chapel Hill at Coker Arboretum on Sunday. Ok isn't there a fall blooming snowdrop?

Remember the Golden Fragrance Muscari I planted last fall? Well I planted 10 muscari plants and right now I have 10 sets of 3-4 inches of leaves coming up.
Above is a photo from Saturday of our Zebrine Banana tree. We have had some near frosts thus far. I'm thinking the first freeze I'll cut it down and place straw over it and then a huge plastic tub over that to protect it from the winter. Hard to believe in May this plant was in a gallon pot., those upper leaves are at least 3 foot long perhaps a meter long.
This is an hybrid tea rose called Rio Samba from the rose circle at Duke Gardens last week.

Does this not remind you of a funny little guy jumping? From our garden the Rosebud Saliva.

So far this is the best fall color photo I have taken in our parts this fall. The pond at historic Ayr Mont in Hillsborough, NC


  1. Gardens are beautiful all year round. I can't believe you have a banana. Does it fruit?

  2. I think the plant world might be going crazy. I have paperwhites coming up right now, and they're going to be in for a rude awakening soon enough.

    The Rio Samba rose is absolutely gorgeous along with the banana.

  3. Rio Samba is an excellent rose. You should try to grow one.

  4. I've never seen a Redbud blooming in fall! That's amazing.

    Some of my plants are a little backwards too. The Coast Azalea is blooming some, and a few Amsonia that I moved are now blooming.

    I love that Rosebud Salvia.

  5. Snowdrops and wisteria are my temperate flower favorited immediately when i saw them the first time. Maybe these changes are also part of climate changes, which is manifesting here as long dry seasons and very strong typhoons, more destructive than before. But that banana seems thriving and it is beautiful, i cant wait for it to bear fruit and maybe wait for your verdict of the taste. I haven't seen such banana variegations. Thanks also for visiting my site.

  6. Strange goings on Randy! I do not know of a fall snowdrop. ? I have had my pick lilacs blooming for a few weeks... just a few blooms but still odd. Do all these plants know something we do not know? Lovely reflection in your last shot! Beautiful! ;>)

  7. The banana tree is too fun! Good luck overwintering it.

  8. Oh yeah, I have daffs pushing through the ground here in North Florida.....it's been an interesting gardening season..can't wait to see what surprises Spring brings us..

  9. Your banana looks amazing!

  10. Odd on the snowdrop. Very odd. The rose is stunning!

  11. Hi Randy,
    My grape hyacinths come up in the fall most years, too. They don't bloom until spring, though. That snow drop sure is cute. I hope it comes back in the spring.

    Yes, that last photo is awesome, from the colors of the trees and sky to the reflections in the water!

    Thanks again for the skipper ID. Now, I remember having checkered skippers before, but not as many as the other kinds.

  12. That last photo is the epitome of fall. I love the reflection of the water. Beautiful!

    One of my muscari also came up. Very odd!

  13. That's crazy - a blooming redbud this time of year???
    We tried overwintering our banana. I guess we give up. Yours is looking great, though.

  14. We are certainly having some screwy weather. I think we are going to have a frost tomorrow night. This rain we have been having is wonderful.

  15. Hey, Randy,
    That comment from Jasmine was also sent to two of my blogs by two different people. It looks like they want to advertise their seed organizer. I'm not clicking on the link to find out if that's what it really is. Should we report it as spam?

  16. Weather can get so weird. We had a low of 46 last week, and a high of 78 today. It was 92 at Country Mouse's place. I'm putting out extra water for the birds...

  17. I'm always so jealous of fall colors -- in some ways it's nice to have our oaks and other evergreens, but oh to have such colorful landscapes!

    Your Rosebud Salvia reminds of a cute little pink jumping spider. :)
