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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Camellias and other flowers at Duke Gardens

Here are more photos from last Sunday's walk at Sara P Duke Gardens. Those of you that know me a little would know that I was looking for camellias in bloom, lots were! Here are some photos of the camellias and other delights.

Not a camellia this is an David Austin Rose called 'Belle Story'. The gardens had a small grouping of Austin roses and this one was my favorite. They had an aroma I could smell from about 20 foot away. Speaking of aromas many parts of the garden had two kinds of fall blooming hollies that really gave one the sense of spring hollies in bloom.
Above is an anemone hybrid called 'Pamina'
Below is another anemone hybrid called 'Prince Heinrick'
Believe I'll be looking for some anemones for our garden,  Duke Gardens had lots of patches of anemones even the whites were stunning, most reached 2-3 foot tall too!

A fall crocus goulimyi.
There was just a small patch of these in the garden and lucky for me they had a tag to tell us what kind they were.
Above and below is Camellia sasanqua 'Slim N Trim'
This was in the newest garden with camellias that I discovered last spring. Certainly one of my favorites seen on Sunday. Sasanquas are the normal fall blooming camellia for those of you that don't know about camellias.

Above is an camellia hybrid called 'Autumn Spirit'
Camellia hiemalis 'Sparkling Burgundy'
I also saw another Camellia hiemalis 'Kanjiro' that I thought was a sasanqua 'Kanjiro' which is doing great in our garden, this one was just starting with a single bloom. Kanjiro looks a lot like this one BTW.
Speaking of 'Kanjiro' here is an open seed pod on it.
Japonicas are supposed to be spring bloomers yet the next two camellias are japonicas.
Above is Camellia japonica 'Rosea Supreme'

This one is a wow for a white no question Camellia japonica 'Ballerina'
The gardens have several decent planting of ginger. But it appears I came too late to enjoy the ginger in bloom. This was about all that was left.
I'll leave you with a local fall color photo of Flowering Dogwood berries.


  1. I have had this garden for less than one year and have been discovering all the surprises that each season brings. I had about 13 different camelias and as each one bloomed it was my favourite. If you check my blog under Garden Surprises - winter you will see the photos if you are interested. Hazel.

  2. Like I said before, hard to choose a Camellia as they are all so gorgeous.
    ps- your friend with the deer eaten ferns....bummer, hoping mine are not high on the deer's list of fav foods.

  3. Very nice! I think I'll be adding more camellias to my garden in the future. Thanks for the info on Winter Snowman!

  4. Great photos! The Belle Story rose is awesome. The camellias are very pretty.

  5. How fascinating, Randy, to see the Ginger plant. And what a fabulous rose - plus Camellias.

  6. Lovely tour of the gardens at Duke Randy. The first rose is exquisite and clearly a winner in fragrance too. My other favorite is the Camelia japonica 'Ballerina' . . . beautiful! The fall crocus are beautiful too . . . oh . . . they are all beautiful! The Kanjiro seed pod looks like it is calling out to you. Your last photo is stellar! ;>)

  7. I have several of the fall blooming Camellias and I love them. I love going out and seeing the beautiful blooms when everything else in the landscape is closing down for the colder months. I am taking my daughter to see Duke University tomorrow. Are the gardens on campus? Carla

  8. Those flowers are so gorgeous that I'm sure I can smell their sweet fragrance.

  9. One of the first tangible signs of fall to me is the blooming of the Sasanquas. My first opened this week.

  10. Beautiful Camellias, especially the doubles. I don't grow any Austin roses, but I've seen Belle Story before and it is very lovely.

  11. Outstanding your photgraphy is superb.
    Thank you for your comments on our Blog,i think your Header looks the Bees knees.

  12. It is truly a pleasure to live in NC and see the Dogwood berries and experience autumn camellias blooming. Agree that a rose scent at this time of year is perfume for the soul.

    Beautiful photos Randy...just beautiful.

  13. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Very beautiful flowers! Your photos of the water lilies are amazing too!

  14. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Sensational photos! Of course the camellias are exquisite! I thought 'Sparkling Burgandy'was a sasanqua.

  15. I really love "Camellias and other flowers at Duke Gardens" they are all lovely. Wish I can see them personally. Thanks for sharing.

