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Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday Safari on the Eno

Today I went out and did a river walk by myself. I ended up on our local river the Eno River. Stupid me I had the camera set to 800 ISO instead of my normal ISO 200, likely I'll trash these photos as everything here I had taken better photos of in the past. Sadly most every interesting butterfly or dragonfly found in the parts I has gotten good or excellent photos of already.

American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana) The red male is above and the greenish female is below. These Broad-winged Damselflies are found over most of the country, I have seen them in AZ and TX. If you want to find them you'll have to get right on the water as they like to live near moving water or rapids.

Below is an eye to eye encounter with the female American Rubyspot!

Blue-ringed Dancer (Argia sedula) male. I saw maybe 100 of these today they were all along the river and in the grasses along the Eno as well.

Little Glassywing, Pompeius verna on Swamp Milkweed. You can find more on the Little Glassywing skipper here.

Zabulon Skipper, Poanes zabulon male. This small woodland skipper is my favorite I have 4 photos of these guys in 6 books and I was paid each time for all the photos in each book! More on the Zabulon Skipper here.

Gemmed Satyr, Cyllopsis gemma We have a small population of these little satyrs here at Paradise. Satyrs are IDed easily by the bouncing almost comical way they fly. Telling this one from the more common Carolina Satyr on the wing is hard but once landed it is easy.

Northern Pearly-eye, Enodia anthedon I saw 10 of these today and that is a lot for this somewhat secretive satyr. There are three pearly-eyes Northern, Southern and Creole see my page on the Northern at this page. I know of a place where it is told you can find all three species together but my luck didn't work for me when looking for them.

Red-spotted Purple, Limenitis arthemis astyanax
found this freshly emerged butterfly on the shore of the Eno today. It was still drying it's wings so I got to take photos without it leaving town on me.

OK, some of you are going to have a fit, quiet Grace :-)
Here is a full grown female Chinese Mantis all 4 inches of here! The largest I have seen in some time. I once found one of these with a hummingbird as prey, it caught it by hiding on a goldenrod flower. I was to say the least stunned.


  1. Well I thought they were nice photos, ISO issue or no. American Rubyspots are one of my favorite damselfly species.

  2. A hummingbird caught by a mantis! Wow, I would be stunned as well. And I agree with Doug, lovely photos. It must take a lot of patience to get such wonderful shots.

  3. Hi Randy

    I always keep an eye on your fabulous photography.

    That American Rubyspot shot's a corker.

    I simply had no idea Mantis could do that!!!


  4. stunning photo's! nothing wrong with them, that blue butterfly is amazing.

  5. As always your photos are great Randy! I am partial to the color blue, so both the damsel fly and the butterfly that are blue are my favorites.
    I saw a praying manthis that had to be over 6 inches in size on the front wall of Sam's club. Two of the employees were trying to catch it.

  6. Beautiful photos as always Randy. Love the face to face shot of the American Rubyspot. Many insects are so beautiful aren't they.

  7. Love the eye to eye encounter!

  8. Randy, exquisite photos of butterflies and dragonflies on your site! and the Carolina Anole... amazing capture, beautiful color and photo.

  9. PS Randy, do you have an insect guide you can recommend? I have the Audubon Society Guide but it leaves a lot out.

  10. That creature got a hummingbird? Incredible!

  11. Poor hummingbird!
    The Red-spotted purple is beautiful!!

  12. The American Rubyspot...such a creepy photograph.....great shot.

    I had to read that twice about the Chinese Mantis, I thought I had misread it. Hummingbird as prey.......wow

  13. Great photos as usual! I've enjoyed having a Red-Spotted Purple here lately. However, I've found myself without a digital camera... a sad story. I'm sure you must have a very fancy camera. I'm really a point-and-shoot photographer that enjoys fiddling with a few modes, etc. What do you think of the Canon PowerShot SD890IS 10MP Digital Camera?

  14. All of these are pretty! I am always amazed at the different variety you are able to capture with your camera.

  15. Fantastic photos...and what a wonderful array of critters! I saw my first of the season Preying Mantis and was jumping up and down with excitement (that and the mosquitoes were biting). Now if only more butterflies would visit. gail

  16. Randy ! What gorgeous photos you have here : ) I have seen that remarkable blue damsel fly ? and thought it was stunning .. no matter how many I would see that blue is amazing !
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and letting me know about the dragonfly guy of mine : )

  17. Awesome pictures. I see a dragonfly whiz through our place now and again, but they never stop so I can take pictures.

  18. What wonderful photos, esp. of the damselflies. Only, the close-up eyes of the American Rubyspot look like caramel sauce to me.... Mmmm.... caramel! :)
