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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Todays Harvest !


This has been a on and off cool/hot season thus far this year. Most of our tomatoes are still doing bad, yet a few baby tomatoes are on the vine. I think the horse manure that we got free might have caused some weird wilting along with the strange weather.

I weeded and mulched the potatoes today and found a few strays on the top as I went, we ate our first potatoes over the weekend. In the photo above you can see the New Red Potatoes and one fingerling potato. The Sugar Snap Peas, Meg has carried some for lunch about everyday for more than a month, we did very well with them harvesting likely several gallons of them. We have been eating the Nelson Carrots for sometime, these were the last of the first row planted. Those beets are the second batch harvested, we will also cook the greens as well.

Here is some kind of mini hollyhock with blooms about one inch.

This day lily I moved from my last place. I bought $20 worth at the Raleigh Farmers Market about 12 years ago. Two years later when I was getting ready to move I dug up a few and brought with me. I rescued a dark form female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail yesterday as it seemed stuck inside a day lily bloom. it flew away unharmed I thought a spider might have had it.

Who ever brought Japanese Bamboo Grass into this country really messed up. We have it everywhere, very hard to control.


  1. My goodness how proud!! Those beets are the best looking beets I have seen all season! Pat yourselves on the back. It all looks wonderful.

  2. That's a tasty looking harvest. My snap and snow peas have produced a lot also. Almost every night I cook I ask my husband if he's tired of peas yet! Fortunately, the answer has been NO.

    The little hollyhock might be Sidalcea. That's a really pretty daylily, I can see why you brought it with you when you moved. I rarely get to see my daylily flowers (boring yellow) because the deer love them.

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hi Randy~~ Your veggie photo certainly rivals any flower photo. You and Meg must be the healthiest couple in the county.

    I'm glad the swallowtail survived. What do we do about those creepy, evil crab spiders that hide within the nectar-rich flowers, just waiting to pounce on an unexpected nectar lover? I despise them.

    Beautiful day lily!

  4. Your harvest is great! I bet those carrots are crunchy and sweet!

  5. Lovely harvest! My tomatoes are not doing well either. Hang in there maybe they'll pick up soon.

  6. Wonderful-looking harvest! I love that daylily.

  7. Nice looking harvest. Don't you love eating vegatables that you grew. They taste so much better than something you buy in the store.

  8. Your produce looks like it should be in a magazine, so healthy and perfect looking! We finally have peas that are ready to pick, but I'm waiting for my daughter to come home from school to pick them since she planted them.

  9. I'm so impressed with your veggies. If we get half that amount I'll be happy.
    Nice butterfly and dragonfly shots!

  10. Great harvest! I'm very impressed with how much you have already.

    The flowers are pretty as well.

  11. What a wonderful collection of produce to enjoy!! It's almost too pretty to eat. :-)

    The mallow is pretty and your daylily is very distinctive. Unfortunately when it comes to bringing non-native plants into an area, the best intentions are often lost through the discovery of their being invasive. Sorry.

  12. What a pretty harvest - it's so colorful! I love it. =)

  13. Your harvest was pretty. I imagine it's all eaten by now!
