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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Strange Things Going On?

Last week Meg and I were sitting at the back of the pond enjoying the evening. Meg had noticed some johnson grass falling over before I sat down. Johnson grass is a 3-4 ft tall invasive grass that is in our pond. While I sat there more johnson grass just fell over one blade at a time. We concluded that turtles must be biting it off, we have a Snapping Turtle and lots of Eastern Painted Turtles in the pond.

Last evening we were sitting in the screened in porch watching the pond and some of the johnson grass was moving and jerking around wildly. We went down the stairs to see what it was, I'm thinking a Black Racer nabbed a Bullfrog. Once up close we see two huge Bullfrogs mating shaking up the grass.

Tonight we are about to take the dogs for a walk and Meg spots a Box Turtle on our porch! The turtle found our handicap ramp and proceeded to wander 50 foot onto our porch. I saw a Box Turtle the same size along the gravel road 1/4 mile up the street yesterday morning.

This Yellow-bellied Slider was showing off by sticking out his feet on the Eno River last weekend. Everyone that walked by got a good laugh!


  1. He is stretching! Or getting the backs of his legs tan. ;-D

  2. For some reason turtles always seem to have a personality, to me. Even the ones that are someone else's photos. Love it!

  3. Hi Randy! I think I would rather have your turtles and bullfrogs around than three snakes I almost stepped on in my garden other day! They were tiny but made me jump high and far!

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hi Randy~~ Turtles are such enduring creatures. To see them as often as you do must be quite a thrill.

  5. That turtle picture is hilarious. The sun feels good!!

  6. Thanks for commenting everyone! Always your comments are very much appreciated!
    Meg found an Eastern Painted Turtle laying eggs in the yard today, well Daisy the dog found it, but didn't disturb it.

  7. Hi Randy......I love turtles.......they are not part of pond life here, so for me to see them on a blog is a treat.

    We do have American bullfrogs ....they were bought as pets and released into the wild. Our native wildlife is being eaten by them and some species are going down in numbers rapidly.....


  8. OH I love those sliders. So fun to watch.

  9. I am a turtle lover....
    Seeing yours is a joy!

  10. If any of you see a tall guy with a camera shooting butterflies out in a big beautiful meadow inside Yosemite National Park it could be me for the next week. Stay tuned for some lovely new photos.

  11. The turtle sunning himself and showing off his legs is certainly funny.

  12. Definitely stretching or sunning. too cute!

  13. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Randy & Meg: I took a photo of a butterfly/moth??? on our butterfly bush today and wonder if I could sent it to you to identify. I wanted to post the photo but I JUST KNOW someone will ask me what it is!!!!!!!!!

  14. The turtles we have in the canals around here are shy and difficult to photograph. Great harvest.
