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Monday, February 16, 2009

Mystery plant in my woods


Normally I know most of the plants growing here in my Durham, NC woods. Yesterday Meg and I found this at the lower end of our property near the stream. Most of the plants were 6-8 foot tall and these catkins were hanging from them about 3 inches long or so.

Any ideal what plant this might be??


  1. I'm not sure, but I've seen similar looking plants around here in the woods.
    By the way I love your pink bench. I bet it looks great out in the garden!

  2. Catherine,

    Thanks for being the first to post a comment on my new blog. My botanist friend Will Cook believes it is Hazel Alder (Alnus serrulata)see his page on it at http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook/trees/alse.html

  3. Randy, we have things that drip like that, but they're not as large... I'll have to do a bit of investigation.

    Congratulations on your new blog! :-)

  4. Hi Randy,
    That is certainly 'different'! I have no idea-not something I've ever seen around my area:)

  5. I would agree with your friend that it is a type of Alder. Very similar to ones here with a few differences.

  6. I vote for Alder too. When they start to shed pollen, I know spring is very close.
