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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Randy's Bees Honey

Last week I bottled up 12 one pound jars of honey and 12 half pound jars of honey. Thought I would share it with you or first bottled and labeled honey. The design is fairly simple and we need to work on a cool name for our honey. Don't "plan" on selling any of it just yet.

I have however sold my first jar to another bee keeper, he's my lumber salesman at the local building supply. He would not let me give him a jar, knowing how much work it takes to raise bees and all. He noted  "if you want to make a small fortune in beekeeping, first you have to invest a huge fortune in beekeeping."

I will tell you this is some very tasty honey! Meg uses it in her coffee everyday. I add it to my oatmeal and we both have it on weekend pancakes.

Coming soon on the blog I'm building a butterfly cage for Meg's class room. We currently have perhaps 4 dozen small Black Swallowtail caterpillars on the fennel in our garden. Her kids will raise them in the classroom.  Meg would not even think of buying those stupid caterpillar kits. And the schools have no budget to speak of to invest in kits anyway.


  1. nice looking honey Randy! You've become quite the beekeeper in a short amount of time. And those Walmart facts are so disturbing.

  2. Love the label. We have a local beekeeper whose honey we buy....nothing like local!!!
    Think the kids will enjoy the butterfly cage. What a fun project for the classroom.
    Did I tell you my daughter who was in NC has moved to Nashville and is teaching in a charter school? Good place for her over rural NC.

  3. I'm a fan of the bee's knees honey. Hokey but I like it. I can't wait to see the butterfly cage. We currently have a bunch of tomato hornworms and another big type of caterpillar in chrysalis stage. The kids took them off of the tomatoes in the greenhouse.

  4. wiseacre6:08 PM

    It boggles the mind trying to imagine how many bee hours of labor it takes to produce that much honey.

    did you know your web site rlephoto.com is giving a 403 forbidden error message when trying to open it?


    You don't have permission to access / on this server.

  5. Your honey looks great! You should be very proud!

  6. We're going to have bee hives in our communal garden. I'm really looking forward to it and will be intrigued to try local honey.

  7. I can imagine how good that honey will taste!!
