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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bloom Day my first!

I've been reading Bloom Day posts for years but have never joined in with my own post. Today I'm late but wanted to join. Hellebores in the garden are really going at it, many more yet to open, so I thought I would show you what we have right now, not all but some of our best.

We plan on going on Saturday Feb. 25 to the Pine Knot Farms Hellebore Festival Any one else going let me know perhaps we could meet up? Not sure we'll buy much as taxes this year has busted our budget.

This is Red Lady one of our first hellebores we purchased, you can see why.
Helleborus Breezy 13
 Likely the biggest Helleborus hybridus in our garden. These are named 'Breezy" as our friend Breezy was moving and she let us dig these hellebores out of her garden.
Helleborus Breezy 09
 This is growing under our back deck, never seen two so different flowers on a single plant!
Helleborus Breezy 04
 Just starting in the front garden, this flower has been smiling like that at us for weeks!
Helleborus Breezy 03 
This is the first bloom on this plant really looking forward to seeing the blooms, any day....
Helleborus Breezy 08
 One of the first to open here. You can see seeds are setting in and seedlings off to the lower left.
Helleborus Breezy 07
 Been waiting to see the first blooms on this plant as well.
Helleborus foetidus 
(above showing slight pink edges and huge seed pods)
(below the full plant)
 Really proud of this plant,can it get any bigger? The bees have been enjoying all these flowers.

Pansy 'Purple Wing'
Most the pansies and violas in the garden have been slightly set back by the recent 20 degree night we had about a week ago. These look pretty good IMO.

 Ok we did not grow these lilies. Below are the locally grown lilies I got Meg for Valentines. These lilies we buy them often, the aroma can take over the house and they last about two weeks. See the large white one O measured it 9 1/2 inches across if that tells you the scale of these lilies.
Lots of people buy store purchased roses for Valentines, not many know the terrible conditions some of those roses are grown in South America and Africa. I will not bother you with the details this blog touches on it very well.
Here are the Sugar Snap Peas I planted on January 26. Seems I added organic fertilizer to one of the patches, the patch without fertilizer looks better than the one with the fertilizer. The peas planted last fall it appears the 20 degree night toasted them. Meg reminded me peas do not need fertilizer.

The bees are doing well, I added another super for honey yesterday and opened up the entrance for them to reduce the traffic jambs at the entrance. It looked like 3 out of 4 bees were returning with pollen!

Be sure to visit May Dreams Garden to see other Bloom Day posts.


  1. It is great to see all of your Hellebores abloom Randy! I would love to join you at the festival . . . alas, too far for me right now. Fabulous that you mention about the inhumanity towards workers and the land in many countries growing flowers . . . especially roses in South America. It is getting somewhat better. As a pro flower arranger I did not buy those tainted flowers for a couple of decades now. Of course it is always grand to support a local grower. I have a wonderful florist nearby who grows the most lavish freesia right now. Delicious! It is great you have Meg there to keep you straight. ;>)

  2. Gorgeous hellebore's. They are on my wishlist. Hope you have a nice day.

  3. Beautiful hellebores. I don't know if I don't grow them because they don't grow well here or that I just never looked into growing them.

    I saw an American Painted Lady in the grass today. It is wet and warm here after yet another freeze that almost ruined Bloom Day. Odd winter we're having.

  4. I am surprised that you hadn't posted the GBBD before but your pictures are all the more worthy for it. Aren't Hellebores great!

  5. Great post for GBBD!
    Those Hellebores are so pretty!
    I have one - I must get some more!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. Hi Randy and Meg,
    I always love whatever hellebores you grow. I can't pick a favorite, but a sound of glee came out of my mouth when I saw the second photo with all of those flowers on the plant. I hope mine do that as the clumps grow larger.

  7. Good for you to join the GBBD. I try to do it many months, though life gets in the way much of the time.
    Love your Hellebores, such beauties. Hoping mine will start to reseed this year.
    I love LOVE lilies. Need to plant more, right now I have three.

  8. Happy GBBD. Glad you added such a nice post, the Hellabores are lovely.

  9. Happy bloom day! Love that red hellebore, yes, I can see why you bought that. Hope you'll make bloom day a habit, it's fun to look back...

  10. I only knew of hellebores because of blogs, they are very beautiful, but i love your purple crocus most. I always love the quality of your photos, and i associate even the petals to wings. Hey Randy, can you please visit my critters post coz you probably now the moth i posted for Camera Critters. thanks.

  11. I just purchased my very first Hellebore yesterday, during a moment of garden center weakness. I had no idea there were such things as Hellebore festivals! The green color of Helleborus foetidus is quite unique.

    Our bees are busy here too, and spitting out drones like crazy. As soon as the daytime temps are warm enough, we desparately need to split both colonies before they swarm!

  12. So glad you joined in Bloom Day this time! I'm always amazed at Violets and Pansies during winter...they look so delicate, but they are tough as nails!

  13. What an interesting plant the Hellebores is! It looks like it gives you color when there is none to be found. I like the green spots in the brown areas. Nice flower shots.

  14. Love the red hellebore. I used to have white hellebores, but Hurricane Katrina knocked down the trees that were shading them. I need to plant some more.

    Always Growing

  15. Welcome to the world of GBBD. I was thinking about Pink Knot, but can't go on the 25th. I have to teach a customer class on preparing the soil for spring, not my favorite subject, but I will muddle through somehow.

  16. Gorgeous Hellebores!!
    I have a few but nothing as pretty as yours. I'm hoping to get some new ones this year. Mine are just poking through the ground here in Ohio, so it will be a while before I get some blooms.
    Love your blog!

  17. Catching up with my reading!! ;-) Your hellebores are Beautiful!!! I look forward to seeing what my new plants from last year will do before long. Meanwhile, we're getting some snow tonight. Northern Iowa is supposed to be receiving quite a bit - us? We'll see in the morning! ha.
