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Thursday, January 05, 2012

21 degrees the other night!

The weather man was calling for 16 degrees the night before last, not sure if it got that cold or not. Our thermometer at daylight said 21 degrees F when I looked out at it. The pansies and violas looked pretty bad, but survived. The camellias in bloom it looks like the remaining buds are done.  The cold frames has some frost damage inside, arugula was the worst hit, even the garlic and onions in the garden looked bad, but recovered. Here in the southeast these lows are brief lasting only hours at best.

 This bottle was next to the rain chains on the deck, full of water. The ice did it in pretty quickly. Our pond is now covered in ice but looks like the next few days will thaw it out.

Tomorrow and Saturday highs projected in the low 60s. Be nice to check out the bee hive without finding dead ones outside it.


  1. Hey Randy, that's really cold for you, isn't it? Poor bottle. We were down to 2 the other night, but of course, that's normal for January up here.

    Congratulations on the stained glass class, we took a class way back in 1981 and that's what got us hooked. It is a fun and fascinating hobby.

  2. Sorry about you bottle, but it's a cool shot:) Hope it warms up a tad.

  3. Oh so sorry for the bottle, what a waste, it is beautiful.And the shot is beautiful too! What about the bottles you put at the side of the pond? Ah yes, they are cemented there without water, so will be safe. What happens to the bees when its very cold?

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Weather seems to be flip flopping. We are in the 40's today. We get snow then it warms up. At least you are headed back up! Hope your bees are buzzing too.

  5. It's been a brisk winter for us so far too. Almost all of December hovering between the low 20s to low 30s every morning, but up in the mid-60s during the day. Hope you thaw out quickly, and your bees were hunkered down during the chill.
