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Sunday, December 18, 2011

The cats relaxing, Christmas lights

Yesterday it barely reached 50 degrees here, the cats were quite happy to sleep on the couch. The one-eyed orange tabby is Grumpy. The tuxedo is Valentine, she is our mouser.

Grumpy got into a fight over Thanksgiving. We arrived home a day later than our cat sitter could  feed them. He came home a good 2 hours after we got home limping and barely able to walk. Took him the the vet and they fixed him up. Now he's good, wanting as much attention as any cat could ever get.
You know once in a while I find discarded plants behind Home Depot. Yesterday I collected 2 beautiful large(20inchs across) red poinsettias. A little water and some dead leaf pulling and they both looked great. I could have picked up 8 more plants, but I feared they would live through the winter and become more ugly house plants to keep in the house. The freeze last night should have killed the other plants unless others found them first, it was dusk when I picked up my two. Took photos of them with my new Ipod, but have no idea how to get them on my mac, as I can not location the Ipod drive.

Tonight we went to a Christmas Party and I took this Christmas lights photo with Meg's camera just as she hit the gas. Pretty cool effect don't you think? Any guesses on what it is? I'd think Karen would know this easily, it is a rural area where it was taken.


  1. Oh, boy. You have a Mac? (Jealous!) Merry Christmas!!

  2. Oh, interesting effect in the last photo, I love all the colors. I'm glad Grumpy is feeling better. I'm rather partial to orange tabbies, and owned by one myself. He looks like he knows how to relax!

  3. Ok, Randy, you have this former nun stumped! I was thinking a Ford truck, then maybe a tractor, but then it looked a little like a combine.

    My final answer is UFO:

    Unidentified Farm Object.


  4. Hi Randy, I'm linking to you on my Countdown to Christmas - "W" post! Perhaps you can help me out? (butterfly id) Thanks!!

  5. The cat photos are wonderful. I have no idea what those lights are but would like to know how you took the photo! Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Merry Christmas, Randy! To you and Meg may blessings continue to flow. I pray that 2012 brings well-being for us all.

  7. Randy, are either of your cats feral? We rescued one a month ago (5 mo old) and I am patiently trying/waiting for him to know he lives here. He plays with me, wants to be petted, rubs my head with his, but hides all day in the tightest spaces and gets spooked at the slight sound. I am hopeful. Do you think it will happen?

  8. Thank you, Randy. I am very hopeful because I give him lots of attention. If I go to him, lay on the floor not far from where he is hiding, he eventually comes out to be rubbed; he loves to stand and rub his face against my head/hair; on occasion he will play ball with me, but then he goes back into hiding, and the slightest noise makes him shrink into defense. Having him neutered several weeks ago, set him back a bit on trust; having guests the other day REALLY made him panic... but I'm not giving up. Thanks again, Randy.
