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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Helleborus Niger now Blooming!

A complete surprise finding an open bloom on the Helleborus Niger this morning! This is the same plant that last year bloomed during 5 ice/snow events. Here is a photo from January of this year.

It pays to watch the garden a little closer.

The cold frames are really growing we have 3 patches of lettuce ready to eat. The mustard greens, kale, Swiss chard and collards all are ready for the skillet tonight, our first meal with them. The Rainbow Carrots are 3/8 inch in diameter now, not long on those. Too cold for bees right now.


  1. Almost seems a little early, but what a lovely bloom. Reminds me, I need to check on the carrots...I haven't looked at ours in a while!

  2. Blooming daffs and Hellebores too?? Que pasa? Beautiful photos with the light coming through pure white petals. I am jealous of your cold frames and all that yummy food. I do get local greens but there is nothing like harvesting your own and then to the skillet. I enjoyed your comment. Clearly the 1% can do anything these days. Thanks for the Red-bellied W. It was a great joy for me to see it here. Happy growing.

  3. I saw your post title and had to stop by. I'm totally jealous! I won't see Hellebores until April (or possibly March). Although this year they seem to be farther along than usual here, too. I pulled away the mulch and they are fully formed, just waiting for warm spring sun. Enjoy your blooms!

  4. Are you making this up? ;-)

    We haven't received snow, yet. But it's coming soon. Then we'll wait for quite awhile before having blossoms again! Happy Day for YOU!!

  5. Question for you, Randy. How healthy is your Ch cactus looking now, if it's blooming prolifically? Mine seem to look pretty "peak-ed" when they are blooming so heavily!

  6. Anonymous11:57 AM

    wow, a blossom on the helleborus... we, on the other hand are looking out to a heavy frost and 30 degrees_winter is here in the PNW. Have a great one Randy and Meg

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