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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coldframe harvesting now!

On Wednesday we started eating greens from our cold frames. BTW Meg's second grade class is building their own cold frames at her school this Wednesday.

Thought I'd give you a tour.

Here is my newer design, I combined two cold frames into one. You can see the frame at ground level is made of 10 year old reclaimed 2 x 6s from a deck I removed this past spring. These cold frames are both 6 ft x 10 ft.  I took the left over scraps and made 2 x3s out of them and attached the 2 x 3s to the 2 x 6s with 2 - 3 inch decking screws.

Once the 2 x 3s were attached I attached the 3/4 inch conduit straps on the inside of the cold frame and placed a drywall screw to stop the 1/2 inch PVC pipe from falling down. By attaching these straps up higher like this we get more head room inside the cold frame to climb in and harvest. The 1/2 inch PVC are 10 foot lengths and span 6 foot across as you see. 

 Inside of the most recently(three weeks ago) planted cold frame. On the left that is Arugula, behind it spinach, more lettuce mix and at the left back more Rainbow Carrots. On the right side we have Lacinato Kale, Mesclun Lettuce mix, more carrots and Swiss Chard. This is the first time we have had two patches of Swiss Chard which we both enjoy greatly.

 Here is what we have started eating. This is the Gourmet Lettuce Mix planted in the first cold frame, behind it is kale. Bad news about this frame Meg planted Larkspur in this spot earlier this year, it is all those weeds you see.
 Here is our Rainbow Carrots they are doing pretty good, each cold frame has carrots in it. Freshly harvested carrots are one of my favorite things in the garden.
Salad mix with lots of Mizuna in it, we are eating this. I love mizuna. This is Meg's planting in the second cold frame. Note she casts seeds everywhere and we harvest like crazy, forget those stupid rows in your cold frame, this is how to do it believe me.

Other news about the garden. 

Yesterday I set out the bird seed and 3 suet cakes for the birds. No bird visitors seen yet. 

The bees I fed them 4 pounds of sugar yesterday, guess there are still a lot of them. As the sugar syrup was gone in less than 24 hours. Some bees got in, my mistake, downed maybe 10 bees rescued perhaps 20. Today it reached into the 70s for a brief period, I did see bees carrying pollen, just a handful.


  1. That coldframe is awesome and I even like all the larkspur. I keep saying I'm going to make a coldframe and just keep not making it. Time to get to work I think as harvesting lettuce in the winter would be splendid!

  2. we had so many birds in our backyard yesterday, I thought Snow White must be hiding back there. Made me happy I had left so many seed heads up for them. Not sure on all the species, I saw a lot I didn't recognize. Hope they head your way soon!

  3. Very impressive coldframes. I bet the greens are great fresh from the garden. Good post.

  4. Looks yummy! It must be so nice to still have fresh lettuce. Enjoy!

  5. Impressive cold frame and veggies. Good luck with your bees this winter.

  6. Great coldframe and wonderful eating for you and Meg all winter.

  7. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Can’t say enough about this website – its alot better than mine.

  8. Loved seeing yours. I am going to do this to my beds to extend the growing and to prevent frost and freeze damage......

  9. Happy looking veggies under the Cold Frame! Poor bees... I hope they do well this winter. It will be interesting to follow them during the cold winter months...

  10. LOVE that cold frame design - thanks for giving details on the construction! I'm going to see if my husband can do something like this next winter... thanks for pointing me to your post.
