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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Pond is Back!!

Today it rained, currently my 5 gallon bucket rain gauge says over 4 inches! I was home working on a big quote to remodel an entire house and the rain came down in sheets here. Turned on the TV and the weather was on talking about a bad weather system, and for once we were in the middle of it. The rains came at least 3 times, the first rain was an 1 1/2 inches, the rest came later on in the day. Anyway the pond is back, never quite dried up.

 Still the pond could be up much higher, at least all the frogs and toads are safe now.

The rain chains were overflowing, one was nearly useless in this big rain. The video above is the rain chains next to the screened porch, it usually carries water fairly well. The water from this rain chain goes to a 300 gallon rain tote which was filled up last night before today's storm.

 This rain chain does not like a lot of water going down it at all. Pretty unhappy about it. The water basin drains to the pond. I dumped about 10 of those 5 gallon buckets into the drain to the pond. Even the garden path by the big deck was flooding and falling into the pond, I have never seen that happen before.

Here is an update on the rain. My buckets showed a 5 full inches (combined from the rains) after another storm late late night. So we are watered fairly well now and the pond is a little higher. No damage to the garden, I did see a few drowned bees at the hive entrance.


  1. I am glad you got your pond back and am sure the the frogs are glad too. During the peak of Irene I ventured out onto the porch and over the howling winds and rain you could here the frogs celebrating.

  2. Randy,

    I'm totally envious, but delighted that your garden received lots of rain from Lee.

    I think we ended up with about 2 inches max, probably closer to an inch (welcome, regardless).


  3. I am very happy for you. It is a beautiful pond. It looks natural and like a true wildlife habitat.

  4. Hey, Randy, glad the pond is back. When you get rain, you get Rain! The rain chains were just a little overwhelmed by all that water, but I think they look fantastic.

  5. hahaha, they say to be aware of what you pray for! I remember you've been asking for rains earlier, and now when it rains it really pours. Maybe your tote and barrels will not be able to contain all the pourings! At least you have the pond, what is the effect of rainy conditions to the bees?

  6. Glad you got some rain. Your pond looks great and I'm sure everything will be thankful for the watering it received.


  7. Lee sure brought a lot of rain here too. We needed it badly. Almost 4 inches when all was said and done. I'm glad you pond is returning to normal!

  8. I agree with Lisa, wish we had had more of the rain too! My rain gauge read .7" when we got home. Drove through a lot of it. Glad your pond is back to a reasonable height. The clouds are still threatening today...rain???

  9. That rain looks so refreshing. For once we're having a hot spell here in formerly sunny California. Your pond looks great too. BTW I've often wondered about rain chains and now I know they won't work where I thought they would be nice! I'm starting to get to know the native wetland plants for the natural pool conversion we're doing. Lot's to discover and learn indeed.

  10. wiseacre10:37 AM

    Glad to see the pond never fully dried. Mine is fully recharged too and holding it's own now that the ground on the hill is saturated again.

  11. Yeah for a heavy rainfall to get things back to normal.

  12. Glad the frogs and toads are happy now :) That looks like quite a deluge. Sorry the rain chain didn't seem to be able to handle the load though.

  13. Glad to hear you got your rain.

  14. Wow!!! What a difference a couple days can make!!! Your pond is full again and that rain looks wonderful...send some our way:)

  15. I'm sure your frogs are happy that the pond is back. The rain has filled up our pond this week.

  16. Anonymous9:06 PM

    We want to install a rain chain. What style would you recommend to handle heavy rains like we have in Florida during hurricane season. You said some of yours weren't adequate. I'd love to be able to use one. Thanks,

