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Saturday, September 03, 2011

The End is near.....

For our pond this is. It looks like the pond will be dried up by Tuesday! I'm thinking at this point we have more water in the two rain totes (about 350 gallons) than the pond has water. Pretty sad considering hurricane Irene has left devastating floods all up the east coast and just gave us winds with a tiny bit of rain.

 We do not have fish, not having fish is good for the frogs and dragonflies. So we'll loose a lot of tadpoles and some dragonfly larva and damselfly larva. I think some might be able to bury themselves in the mud and survive. The pond dried up in 2008, the recovery was not too bad. I'm sure we'll have wonderful frog concerts next spring just the same.

For forecast currently is spotty for rain. These 1/8  and 1/4 inch rains only coat the top of the ground and dry up very quickly. What we need is several rains of 2+ inches to bring the pond back. Hurricane Bob years ago overflowed the pond, the only time I have seen it overflow in the 14 years I have lived here.

Just wanted to remind any local people visiting this blog that The Paperhand Puppet Intervention show will have the last three shows in Chapel Hill this weekend. Next weekend it will be at the Raleigh Art Museum. We went last night it was a lot of fun, should not be missed. They also have a parade you can see my photos from October 2009 it was a blast. Last night guess what? I forgot my camera....


  1. Our pond is going down every day, too, and we've been where you are with yours more than I care to admit. Not pretty when you have a whole bunch o' big rocks surrounding a 'pond' and people come to visit and find a mud hole. 'Why don't you fill your pond up?' they ask? Well, because we'd like to be able to have water to drink, I answer.

    The weather pattern has certainly been odd again this year. Hope it straightens out soon.

  2. I feel bad for you guys. We had a drought like this years ago and I thought, "What is going to survive?". Your pond photos over time have been really interesting to watch. Do not worry, it will come back again. Do you get mosquitos at all? We get them terrible here in Tucson during monsoon. I have a feeling many frogs will bury themselves into the moist soil until more rain happens. We have these Denver Colorado toads that only come out during our monsoon every year and it's a strange event. Nature is pretty resilient. I hope you folks get some rain soon from some of the other storms heading your way. Hope you have a great labor day weekend.

  3. maybe you could have a mud dance in the pond, to get it to rain. lol my father in law decided to clean out his dried up pond with his 4 wheel drive tractor and buried it. the daughter in law photoshoped it into a newspaper headline from the tulsa world and sent it to him. hilarious.

  4. Sorry about the pond but having the experience once before at least you know things will bounce back. We walked round the lake this morning and noticed the water lily pond there is completely dried up with a thick layer of cracked mud at the bottom. I think it likely they had to turn off the recycling water fountain that was in the center. Setting a good example to residents. Hope we all get some rain soon, but not too much!

  5. ...we need rain too, but you are suffering far worse than we are. Hopefully we will get rain tomorrow when a cold front moves in.

  6. That is too bad, but as you say, things will change. I can tell you're an optimist by looking forward to the frog and toad concerts next spring.

  7. I'm sorry to see the status of your pond. It must be hard to look at everyday. Hang in there for rain. It will come.

  8. Oh no~I am hoping a bit of this rain that's moving in with the cool front and the tropical storm falls on your garden. gail
