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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Disturbing the Neighbors??

Sunday at 8:30pm I went over to the neighbors to inform them their goat was stuck in the fence. I had never been to their house before. We had talked a few times between properties. So anyway I drove over and was greeted by two outside barking dogs and another two dogs inside barking. I rapped on the door several times before she heard me, the dogs were pretty loud.

She answers the door and I tell her a goat have been stuck in the fence all day and they needed to do something about it. Here first response was 'which goat?' That really set me off. I then explained I've rescued the goats three times and the last time it was stuck all day on an 101 degree day with a vulture waiting for it to die. She says 'we don't want to disturb the neighbors' I said disturb the neighbors? Your torturing those poor goats, I don't think she got it. I told her perhaps install an electric fence to prevent them from getting in the fence. She says an electric fence and donkeys is not a good ideal. Anyway we did not hear the goat anymore that night.

Another thing I noticed was their loud AC unit blasting away, could not hear anything but the AC and the dogs barking. You know we have not ran the AC for weeks, using the windows to cool off at night and closed keep the cool air inside during the heat of the day. Why with all the talk of an energy crisis do these stupid people run the AC on a very pleasant evening. They did not have the front door closed leaking out AC and the house was recently built so the windows should work just fine. My thoughts are if you have a lot full of animals you leave a window(s) open the hear what is going on outside any chance you get.

Oh, these people voted for GW Bush twice, I saw their signs...


  1. Sounded like a rant Randy. lol. You know I voted for gw too. lol.

  2. Certainly worthy of a rant in my opinion!

  3. Time to call Hoarders!

  4. Ah the shame. Some people just don't get it. Maybe your talk will do good and they'll take care of the goats so they don't get stuck again. Suggestion? I think I'd put some rabbit fence on my side of the fence to keep them from sticking their heads through. Maybe that would help alleviate the situation if feasible.

  5. Chuckling as I write this... but yes, worthy of a rant. They sound a bit strange to me. If someone came to my door to let me know that my goat was stuck, I'd first thank them profusely and then I would run, not walk, to the goat and rescue it. If the animals are not being properly confined and they are in danger (as this one was), can you call Animal Control?

  6. The fact that they voted for GWB would ring warning bells for me!!
    Does'nt sound like these people are suitable animal owners. So sad but that's how it seems to be worldwide now.

  7. Shame, some people have animals and just don't care about them.
    Don't get it. Animal control may be the answer.

  8. Randy, Not the Goat People again! Are they also the Peacock Owners? Oh, the urge to yell, I hear you loud and clear from here, even if she couldn't. And there's donkeys, too? So let's see, four dogs (at least?) a bunch of goats, donkeys, possible flocks of Screeching Peacocks, what else? Elephants? A zebra? And why won't an electric fence work? Though I do agree a chicken wire or chain link fence would be better for the little animals, but it's not your problem to have to install.

    And I've been meaning to ask you about the bottle wall...you're using mortar on that job, right? We were really impressed by the way your wall was turning out. Have you had the time to work on it lately? Rain makes mortar work an impossibility here, and of course, freezing temps before it cures is a no-no, too. How big is your wall going to be? It's a great structure.

  9. That sort of thing would make me crazy!! I mean the goat stuck in the fence thing. Kim would go insane about the AC running unnecessarily, which happens ALL THE TIME with our neighbors. People are just nuts sometimes.

  10. The joys of annoying neighbors. Poor goats. Rant away Randy, I would too. It's not like you had to tell them their goat was struggling. If people can't tend their animals properly, in my opinion, and I am very opinionated, they shouldn't have them. I have the windows open here all the time. Most of the time, hearing our turkeys alarm call gives us the heads up that the bobcat is skulking around. I'd go crazy if I couldn't hear what was going on out in the animal yards.

  11. Take a breath, step back and count to 10... LOL, I know this is not a funny thing and surely not for the poor goats. You have told them about the goats and the fence and now if they do not change their ways, I say call Animal Control or the local Humane Society. They should take action…

    I know of people that never open their windows! Their excuse is allergies, ha. They stay sick from no fresh air in the house! My MIL has every allergy known to man and she opens her windows when possible so I dont buy that as an excuse to not open your windows.

    Some people are just plan ignorant about certain things. I know I am not perfect but I do seem to have some common sense!

  12. I always feel better after ranting.

    So... do you feel better?

    These people sound like something out of a book. Maybe these neighbors are a good source of writing material for a book. :)

  13. Hi Randy! Our neighbors have sprinklers working every single day. I hope they'll turn them off for the winter...
    By the way, have you thought about turning off that word verification for comments? Blogger has a spam filter now. It'll save your readers' time!

  14. Hi Randy, I'm sorry about this experience, but I'm glad you are a conscientious, sensitive person.

    Sounds like you've had Quite A Day. Hopefully you were able to relax this evening. :-)

    Take care!! SG

  15. I smiled a bit in this post Randy. I also love the comments you got, especially Skeeter's. I recall you put the word 'stupid' and i think i will make that all caps!

  16. She doesn't want to put up electric because of the donkeys? What the heck?? And she doesn't think listening to a goat that's stuck in the fence isn't disturbing to the neighbors? Because that's pretty disturbing.

  17. You did it! Thank you Randy!

  18. Glad I went back to read this one. Sounds like that lady didn't register what you were saying.
    Those poor little goats. If they are that neglectful with the goats, what about the dogs (and any other animals you didn't see).
    As for their energy consumption and voting record.....oy!

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