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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rain Chain Update

We had the gutter guy out a few weeks ago and hooked up our gutters. Finally it rained on Saturday evening, perhaps a 1/4 inch not near enough to amount to much. Bad news is the gutter guy installed the gutters over the metal drip edge, so it leaked between the gutters in many places, I though he knew better??? I'm not a gutter guy yet common sense say if the water runs down the drip edge it would go between the gutter and drip edge, I'll have to have him back out to fix it.

This short video shows the rain chains in action, it rained this hard for about an hour ( three roofs fill into this gutter). You will notice a bit of splash from above, any debris that gets in the cups can mess them up a little. The other rain chain was a lot more splashier than this one. So an hour south of here got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday and today a big storm passed through and barely nicked us, we had only a few drops of rain. The rain totes filled about 100 gallons on the porch and maybe 50 gallons on the shed, I was hoping the overflow would be tested...
While cleaning out the rain chain this morning I found this female Blue Dasher dragonfly perched in the top cup. Guess this dragonfly is a better weatherman than me I brought in clothes off the line and used the dryer, the clothes would have dried just fine here today.


  1. Need to put bells on there so it plays a tune. Maybe dancing in the rain. lol. Rain? whats rain? Feel like those people who looked at Noah and asked him what a ship is for. He explained it was for when it rains during the flood. Whats rain they replied.

  2. The rain chain is so beautiful! I like it very much.

  3. Oh, thank you for the video of the rain chain and glad you finally got some much-needed rain. Sorry to hear about the gutter guy and the mix-up with the installation. I would have thought the same thing, he should know what he's doing since he does it for a living. Hope you get more rain soon.

  4. What fun! I've been plotting to get a rain chain, but I'm still not sure where the right place is. But it would be wonderful in winter - I love it especially when it's just dripping.

  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    That is the coolest photo of a dragonfly. Plus, lucky you to get some rain. It missed us again today.

  6. How cool Randy! I am glad you had a good downpour. Beautiful dragonfly before the color of your rain chain. Looks like he is about to add a drop of water.

  7. I have a dog that can tell me whether there are storms nearby...he hides in the laundry room or shower. Hanging clothes outside here could be a daily event as we haven't had measurable rain for quite a while.
    I like the rain chains..pity about the gutter guy.

  8. I didn't know even in your advance-technology-countries there are still those w/o "common sense" LOL. I love Greggo's comment above!

  9. Nice! I forwarded your previous post about the rain chain to my husband in hopes that he can help me set one up here. What a great invention!

  10. Sweet Rain! Something we are not seeing in my neck of the woods. I am going to wear out the water sprinklers this year...

    I think it is time to call Animal Control or Humane Society about the poor goat. Nothing deserves to be in that pickle expecially during this extreme heat.....

  11. Just saw what you said to Tina about Meg's son...one of our nephews just went through Special Forces training too. Tough training. Good for him.

  12. Another rainwater harvesting system, this one fed by a rain chain and designed to blend seamlessly with the plantings surrounding the house for a natural look.
