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Monday, June 06, 2011

Peace, Love, Beaver!

Only in Durham!! On Saturday the 7th annual Beaver Queen Pageant was held in Durham! It is a fund raiser to save Ellerbe Creek in Durham by the Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association of which Meg and I are members. We heard about the Beaver Queen Pageant last year shortly after the fact. This year I heard them talking about it on NPR and Told Meg we are going!

The goal was to raise $7000 by voting on your favorite Beaver Queen. It was more fun than two people should be allowed to have in one night.
Here is the 2011 Beaver Queen Fur Pelton John Here is his bio:
Fresh off his front-row appearance at the Royal Wedding of Wills and Kate, Fur Pelton John embodies all that is a true Beaver Queen. Dedicated to both the environment and fashion, he’s slapping his tail in anticipation of the 2011 Beaver Queen Pageant. The furrier twin of another well-known entertainer, Fur Pelton is ready to put the glam in Stream Punk. Mark his words…the beaver is back! Join him at the lodge at the end of the stream on June 4, 2011.

Second Place went to Cherry Cherry Bang Bang DaBeava (get a load of all that beaver tail!)

Her bio:
After Cherry’s father disappeared in a mysterious plane crash in the deep bush of the Congo, she was forced to flee her evil uncle Baron Von Burstedam, her bodice stuffed to the brink with secret family recipes. She found a home in Beaver Country and has won the heart of the locals by becoming a generous purveyor of her family’s Bang Bang DaBeava sweet treats. Whether adorned with cream or doused in dark chocolate, Cherry always seems to have a warm pie ready and waiting to keep all of the citizens satisfied, men and women alike. She hopes to turn her hand soon to cataloguing obscure flora and fauna and designing elaborate and unreasonable shoes for women. In the meantime, she invites you to sample her delicious wares anytime.

Here is Syntheia Finklepott  get a load of her beaver tail!!
Now you can see the theme of the beaver queen pageant "peace, love, beaver"
Her bio:
Mme Finklepott tours the USA with her confidant and traveling companion, Montague Jacques Fromage. They raid airships and sell the booty. Mme Finklepott is a misfit and troublemaker of the most enjoyable sort. She is easily bored by rules and holds little regard for the status quo.
Lots of playing going on as you can see. The judges tables are behind the hoopsters with all their bribes.
More beauties on stage at the beaver lodge, remember peace, love, beaver! I just loved tha green parasol with red feathers. Meg got a very fine pink hand painted parasol too.
More of Fur Pelton John with a portion of his entourage.
Cherry Cherry Bang Bang DaBeava!
Syntheia Finklepott performing. Sure hope Way Gay gets re-elected!
Here is Muddy Waters, she was killer on the harmonica and a strong contender for Beaver Queen. With Elmwood and Jake.

Her bio:
Muddy Waters was born in a ramshackle lodge at the wrong end of Ellerbe Creek. Suffering came easy and early. She was given her first blues harp by her mammy who lay dying beneath a tree that had fallen the wrong way. With that harp in her paws, Muddy blew with all her heart. It wasn’t long before she attracted the attention of beaver-loving brothers Elmwood and Jake. When the threesome finally quit messing with their slimy logs and started playing some music, the result was a band so powerful it could turn bull piss into gasoline.  Muddy has been pelting out a bluesy mix of swamp music ever since.
On the left the blond in the black dress is Muddy Waters another contestant next to her is Miss Magnolia Beaver another contestant. The gal with the skirt made from ties was a contestant, but I've failed to recall her name.
Below is one of Cherry Cheery Bang Bangs entourage.

If you feel inspired you can still donate money for the cause by using this link. This event with be on our calender for next year perhaps we'll be VIBs next year.

Links to some video from the Beaver Queen Pagaent
Muddy Waters

I hope I have not offended any of you with this posting, it is off topic. Here in Durham we embrace diversity as much as possible. When I first moved here Durham was one city I did not care for, the streets were confusing on the most part to me. Now I'm at home here!

And don't forget PEACE, LOVE, BEAVER!


  1. Looks like is was a ton of fun! I love stuff like this.

  2. I'm getting worried about Durham. It's starting to resemble Chapel Hill or Carrboro! Looks like tons of fun!

  3. Randy,
    I'm sorry to disappoint you but Wayne Gay wasn't reelected Sheriff of Wilson County.
    What fun this must have been - so glad you were there to take pictures and share them with us!

  4. I think I want to move!!! And fun was had by all.

  5. Our home town's claim to fame is being 'home of the hamburger'. Wow, aren't we lame.

    Peace, Love & Beaver sounds way more fun!

  6. They are everywhere, they are very creative and really-really funny!

  7. Looks like a great outing! I like the mix of drags and beaver; unconventional, perhaps, but if people have fun and it also raises money for a good cause, then what's not to like?

    Peace, Love and beaver!

  8. The Beaver Lodge Local 1504 did make its goal. Thanks to the corrupt judges and voters for the help in raising $7,028.36 for Durham's dirty lil creek.

    Cherry's entoruage is offically the Cherry Pop Tarts.

    Remember only you can protect your wetlands.

  9. Well I guess Durham has moved well beyond the typical staid Southern town. I really like Pelton's work boots. Do you know if they are waterproof or have steel toes?

  10. I didn't find out about this until after it was over. I hope to see it next year!

  11. What a fun event! Looks like a blast.
