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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Pickle People

This past Saturday they held the Strawberry Festival at Meg's School. It is a fund raiser for the park behind the school. The last few years Meg's class had an obstacle course. She changed to a lower grade and this year her class sold pickles. The class had the learn about pickles and they created these pickle people for their booth to display. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

 Pretty good for second grade don't you think. The stands are made of recycled trim from a job I did recently.

Below in the left back side is one of the mascot costumes the kids were wearing at the festival.
As for gardening, we are just starting to pick sugar snap peas. In a few days we'll have lots of them. Yesterday I pulled a carrot an inch in diameter and 6 inches long. These are the carrots we overwintered in one of the cold frames. I'm really enjoying eating these fresh carrots.

I found one cicada casing on the post to our deck yesterday, no others seen or heard nearby. One of my customers says she loves the chorus they are making, I expect to work there next week and hear for myself.
 A recording of our frog concert tonight taken from the small landing on our deck stairs next to the pond. Not anywhere as loud as being here in person. Turn your sound all the way up to hear the frogs.

I'd rate tonight a 10 on the scale of 10 frog concert. The main chorus is Gray Treefrogs and Northern Cricket Frogs. And mixed in with them are several Bullfrogs and a few Green Frogs. The sounds outside are too loud for a normal person the handle. We love these choruses and the $%## peacocks cannot break through this sound barrier.


  1. Great pickle people!

    We've got frogs, cicadas....it's a noisy concert.

  2. Love the creativity! Congrats to all who put them out there.

  3. Neat! they remind me of Veggie Tales for some reason...

    Snap peas coming along here too. Cicadas are in great numbers now. I've seen all kinds of shells about. When mowing tonight I looked up to the tree tops and saw a small group of them fly across from one tree to another.

  4. Randy, these are great Pickle People. What a cute idea. Wow, the frogs are serenading you loud and clear! (It takes a lot to drown out the screams of the psycho peacocks, those things are SO loud!)

  5. Cute project for the kids, kudos to Meg.
    Our frogs are especially loud now too...the Bullfrogs especially. So all day long we have the cicadas and in the evening --frogs and owls (which are cool).

  6. Ohmygoodness, I love those pickle people!! You and Meg truly make my day when I visit! (Oh, how I miss teaching when I see something like this!)

    We've been sleeping with the windows open lately, and I LOVE it. Peepers, tree frogs, etc... and the occasional yelp of the fox... Awesome! :-)

    word verification: antsmuse

  7. How fun is that! What a great opportunity for the kids to be creative!

  8. What cool creatures and a nice way to raise money. Job well done!

    I enjoyed hearing the frog concert. I think I'm looking forward to the cicadas coming--haven't seen one yet here in the WS area. Every summer we are serenaded by the normal yearly visitors and it puts me to sleep at night.

  9. Pickles and Frogs, what a combo! Great post. Meg's class is very talented, as are your frogs.

  10. I love the pickle people, so cute, and very well done! As for the frog chorus, how fabulous is that? I'm sure it was almost deafening, but I love listening to frogs!

  11. Now how cute are those Pickle People. You can tell they had a lot of fun creating them too.

  12. The cicadas are absolutely swarming here in Georgia. They are so loud it's unbelievable. Neat experience, though. I was able to catch one emerging from its shell and took sequential photos of the whole emergence. I'd never seen that before! If anyone would like to see them, shoot me an email and I'll link you.

  13. I clicked on this thinking it would be a post about the two of you up to your elbows in cucumbers trying to get them all pickled before they go south. Then I thought it was way too early in the season to be inundated with produce.

    I like these pickles better.

  14. Click peas arriving together right here as well. Cicadas have been in excellent amounts right now. I have observed a myriad of covers regarding. Whenever mowing and trimming this evening We appeared as much as the actual sapling covers as well as noticed a little number of all of them travel throughout in one sapling to a different.

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