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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Late May Bee Report

Yesterday it rained most of the day, I saw hail 4 different times! The night before May 26th I hardly saw any bees flying in and out of the hive it was in the 90s, I was a bit worried.

This morning I went out to fill the bee feeder and it was only half full, expected it to be nearly empty. I pulled the feeder up and I believe the bottom of the boardman feeder had rain water in it, I pulled it out and emptied the water. Just back in from observing the hive, I counted 20 incoming bees carrying pollen in a few minutes!! Up until now the total number of bees I'd seen carrying pollen was only 4. So I'm pretty happy that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

I'm going to check on the bees perhaps on Tuesday to see that the queen is producing brood like she is supposed to. Tuesday will mark the second week since the bees were installed.


  1. The pollen is very encouraging. It's fun to watch the hive entrance, and see all the different colors of pollen, and wonder which flower that bee had foraged on. It's also interesting to see a marked increase in pollen coming in too, especially after that first week or so when very little is being brought in. I expect all is well in the hive. Crossing my fingers the weather cooperates so you can sneak a quick peek in there next week. Hail is not conducive to hive inspections! :P

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'm excited to follow your progress with the bees. Our neighbor asked us not to "do anything" with bees because his adolescent children are frightened of them, so it's at least nice to be able to follow your progress :)

  3. It is so interesting to read all that you have to do for this hive. I had no idea there was so much involved with it.

  4. How exciting Randy . . . and interesting too. A great way to learn. I looked at the other widow . . . too large the one in my lilacs was very small really. Any other ideas? Thanks much!

  5. It's nice to understand and follow your progress on bees

  6. That is wonderful news about the bees working. I think it is wonderful that you keep bees. I am just a born coward. LOL! I will have to contribute to them by not spraying with harmful pesticides and growing flowers that they like. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Good luck with your hive.

    I have just been catching up with some of your lovely butterflies, you really do have some beautiful ones there. Beautifully photographed too!
