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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Garden Goodies & More Daffodils

Meg pulled our first Carrot last week, here it is with one of the French Breakfast Radishes from the garden.

More of the French Breakfast Radishes. I think these are the best radishes we have grown, very tasty and not as hot as some radishes. I like eating 2-3 as a snack. Our garden is over run with them. The rain so far has made them extra big.
 As many of you might have recalled, I waited for Brent and Becky's end of season sale to get 50% off on daffodils and crocuses last year. For most of March I was thinking this was a mistake, as everything was so slow to come up having been planted so late. Now I have changed my mind.
Above is 'Falconet', I planted it on both sides of the back steps. It is very fragrant and has lots of flowers per stem, this is two stems. I'd rate this one very high on my list of favorites.
Above is 'Sound', it looks a bit like a slightly smaller Ice Follies to me, but is fragrant. The cup is supposed to be a sunset orange cup, to me it seems slightly orange. Wondering if the cone will turn orange as it ages?
 Not 100% sure but I think this is 'Ice Follies' it came in one of those mixed packages of daffodils. The cone should turn white with age.
Here is 'Misty Glen" I bought it locally and planted it in the fall on the dam to the pond. It is supposed to have a greenish cup, looks white to me.
Thought I'd revisit 'Pink Charms' I posted this 7 days ago and said I did not see any pink.  The flower in the front is about 7 days old and has turned slightly pink. The flower on the right is a fresh one and very yellow. These are planted along the driveway.
Above is 'Silver Chimes' it is fragrant and planted next to the gardenia bush in the back yard. I was able to take in the daffodil aromas standing in the backyard 15 foot from the daffodil plantings, misson accomplished! Another new favorite, just love the tazettas like 'Silver Charms' and 'Falconet'.

Here is 'Sir Winston Churchill' planted by the bamboo garden edging.
odorus flore pleno (plenus) Not looking very good, most bulbs did not bloom. Supposed to be a good naturalizer and is very fragrant. Still very unusual.

 Camellia Japonica 'April Dawn' we purchased at Camellia Forest two years ago in a gallon pot. This is the first and only bloom. We both really like this bloom!

 Japanese Roof Irises that I have had for a very long time. Meg brought over some blue ones they are almost ready to bloom.
Crested iris opened yesterday. We have maybe 25 blooms right now and expect 200-300. They are wild in the woods by our septic field.

Dr Ruppel our first clematis of the season. Clematis Armandii  'Snowdrift' did not survive the winter.

Last item. The new hydrangea I bought Meg at Costco. Looks like 4 plants in that pot and only $20.


  1. Wow - you sure do have a lot blooming! They all look soooo pretty!

  2. What SUPERB blooms and vegetables, Randy. Spring has certainly reached your part of the world!

  3. P.S. Glad you liked my Puffins!

  4. I frequently wait for the bulb sales and plant in early December. They bloom late the first year, then go back on schedule. Love your Misty Glen. Just enough green.

    Your Pink Charm doesn't look like my Pink Charm. Yours looks like Salome to me. Salome starts out yellow and turns pinkish and has that longish cup. Pink Charm starts out fairly pink with a broad cup.

  5. What stunning varieties of daffodils. Really pretty! And you can't beat 50% off. What a great deal!

  6. Thanks for the comments on this post. We had tornadoes in the area today, we got lots of rain and luckily missed the bad stuff. Our only damage was a few fallen daffodils. With in an hour from here at least three people were killed and the Lowes Home Center in Sanford, NC the building was demolished. We did spend a few hours in the basement with the dogs, just to be safe.

  7. This spring storm season is scary. Glad to hear you all are ok. Love your new daffs--- especially the fragrant ones!! Super!

  8. Wow, carrots and radishes.... I gotta wait till July to sow them! How rich those radishes look! Yummy.
    The blooms are equally yummy for the eyes. Clematis is a hit.

  9. Your daffs are beautiful. You have such a nice selection.

    Good to hear that you weathered the storm OK! One of those cells went just south of us through Benson and Four Oaks.

  10. Oh! For heaven's sakes! Look at that produce... and you Still have daffodils blooming - with all the other beautiful flowers. :-) Happy days to you!

  11. So much to look at! Very pretty! Please tell me how you grow carrots. I've not had luck. P.S. Will look for hellebore seeds tomorrow.

  12. Oh, those radishes look so tasty! (Do you really eat them for breakfast?)

  13. We grew French Breakfast radishes this winter for the first time, and love them! Literally threw the seeds in the ground, and forgot about them until harvest!

    Love all your daffodils. I planted a lot very late this season, but am reaping the benefit of an extended daffodil season! I've had two odd ones pop up that I didn't intentionally buy...they must've jumped in the bag. One of them looks exactly like your Sir Winston Churchill!

  14. My favorite Crested iris !

  15. Sometimes I regret not noting the names of my Narcissus. Knowing would come in very handy if I wanted to buy more or to blog about them.

  16. Love all your daffodils. I like to shop all the online sales too. Glad they did well for you.

    Also glad that crazy tornado didn't hit you. That was scary.
