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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bottle Wall, Day Five

 Seven hours working on the bottle wall today. It was warm and the butterflies were everywhere. We had our first dragonflies and damselflies of the year today also.

See above the taller right side of the bottle wall, that green is Meg's peas. That part it now at grade, the blue flower is next. Not exactly sure how I plan to do it, but I'd like to do 12 blue bottles in a wheel design. My thoughts are to do the top half on a board or brace them together with wood and freehand them with mortar, let dry then install.

This is a 6 year old garden bench that was falling apart. A customer of mine gave it to me. I sanded the varnish off the wood, replaced one board and painted it green. Remind me next time to never again by Behr paint, took forever to dry and it is still sticky. I use Sherwin Williams most of the time and it never is sticky for days like this.  Any way Meg's lovely daughter just bought a house and there is nothing to sit on in her lovely back yard. Tomorrow she's taking it home with her.
Here is Crocus vernus 'King of the Striped', to me it looks very much like the common 'Pickwick'.

This is supposed to be Crocus tommasinianus 'Ruby Giant' it does look a bit redder than the photo I took of it.

I have a question for you? Has anyone used Big Dipper Farm for hellebore purchases before? Had a little discussion with Meg last night about growing hellebores. The thought is to in the next 6-7 years I'll be near retirement and perhaps I could grow and sell hellebores, doubles especially. They seem to do great here. I don't have but one double and am thinking of purchasing 5-6 from Big Dipper Farm, most of the other places do not have any for sale right now. Hey if anyone has double hellebore babies I'd love to have some?


  1. The bottle wall is neat, very creative idea. I love the crocus, they are so pretty.

  2. I don't think you're busy enough. Seven hours on the wall!? Lovely crocus--

  3. the wall is looking great! Your sweet peas seem to be rather thickly sowed. Mine are too this year. We'll see if I get any before they get wiped out by heat.

    Have a great week!

  4. The wall is really looking great! Your weather sounds like it must be really nice. The bench looks brand new, what a nice housewarming gift it will be.
    I've got one double Hellebore, but had heard it may be sterile. If I find any seeds from it I can send some to you or if any babies sprout nearby I'd try sending those too if you would like.

  5. Love love that bottle wall!! Your bench looks beautiful - what a great gift! And I May have H babies, too! (thrill!) Mine are not from doubles though.

  6. What a lovely wall! Your post is great and i really like it ..
    Thanks for the sharing ..

  7. That wall is so unique! Beautiful crocus and I'm zero help with hellebore. Nice bench too.

  8. I would go to Pine Knot Farms for Hellebores. They (literally) wrote the book on Hellebores. We got quite a few of our Hellebores from them. Every year I become more appreciative of plants that flower so early and for so long.

  9. Yes, Pine Knot is one of the big hellebore nurseries. There are three different seed strains which are prominent in the U.S. I've bought from Big Dipper, and I thought their plants were great. I didn't buy hellebores from them though.

    Have you read Cole Burrell and Judith Knott Tyler? She is the co-owner of Pine Knot Farms. I'd leave you a link, but I don't want to freak out your spam filter. :)

  10. No experience on Hellebores, but I know that John Elsley (here in Greenwood) cultivates Hellebore for Klem's Song Sparrow.
    Wall is looking pretty cool!!

  11. The bottle wall is beautiful. I wish I could see it in person! Sorry on the Behr paint. I've never had a problem with it and love it in the garden and house. I hope that chair dries soon. Meg's daughter will love it!

  12. Following your bottle wall progress is such fun! I am glad you found the blue bottles as they will really pop with color in the wall. The bench is beautiful and your daughter will really enjoy it…

  13. I am very excited for the wall to finish, it seems like we are always there with you. You said the crocus is redder than your photo, i prefer to have that color than the actual, haha. Good luck with your plan of multiplying the hellebores.

  14. Hey Randy---I actually DO have some of the double-flowering hellebores---a creamy white with some green tinges to them. I'd be happy to box up some volunteers for you to try growing, if you'd like! Just let me know (e-mail me at dyerdesign@aol.com).

  15. Randy, Your wall is looking great! What a lovely house warming present and you will be able to sit with your daughter and have heart to heart chats too. You might want to check out Carolyn's Nursery http://carolynsshadegardens.com/ she has great knowledge about Hellebores. ;>)

  16. Your garden wall is coming along great. Nice flower pics.
    Haven't used Big Dipper, and have no doubles to share, but sounds like a great idea, I'd buy some from you.

  17. I'm so enjoying seeing the bottle wall in progress. It's looking great!

  18. OhmiGosh! That bottle wall is the coolest project! Can't wait to see it finished. I have a bunch of bottles saved up for a tree, and maybe if I have any left over I might turn them upside down for a border edging.
