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Sunday, March 20, 2011

More Spring Wildflowers

Finished the beekeeping class yesterday, learned a lot. It was nearly system overload with all to learn in such a short time. Nope I did not win the bee hive. My bees should arrive around the first of May, so the next step is to purchase a hive, smoker and cheap veil(maybe gloves to go with it).

Will be working on the bottle wall today, in the 60s just perfect for working with mortar. In the past two days I have acquired 5 more blue bottles including a really long one. Costco sells a wine in the beautiful long blue bottle, I'm drinking it little by little to get the bottle, I'll have three of them once it is empty. These long bottles I plan on installing them sideways so most of the blue can be seen in the sun light.

Here are a few things that I found on our property yesterday.
 Windflower grows in the shady part of the yard it was planted there by nature. Last year it there was a lot more of it, the drought must have slowed it down this year. It is an anemone. The fall anemones I bought last fall looked pretty dead all of them a few weeks ago. I'm happy to report all the fall anemones look to be alive and are waking up. Oh and the lower hillside has Trout Lilies opening up everywhere.
Bloodroot, this was found about 20 foot out of our property line, I have seen it on our property. While down there looking I found our neighbor has a RTV trail that barely hits our property and it goes right through the bloodroots. Guess I'm ok with them riding down there, it is barely a trail at this point.
 The thrift is just starting to open up, this is from our largest patch, about 3 ft by 3 ft. We have three different colors of this. I'd love to see more of it, but we have not the room for it. Butterflies will use it. To date this year we are at 9 species of butterflies now, dragonflies should be showing up any day.
The pansies are looking pretty good, thought I'd share this one.

Oh and I have added what looks to be the last of our hellebores to bloom this year to my plants page. They are marked hellebore breezy 09 and 10 see them here, all of our blooming hellebores can be seen on this page, there are a lot so enjoy.


  1. Ah, 60 degrees would be lovely. Currently a foggy 38 here and with an expected high of 50. I'm not sure when spring will arrive here, Randy.
    Your wall is really coming along nicely and anxious to see it. Happy Spring to you and Meg

  2. Nice blooms. I am not sure I would know so many of the wild flowers that bloom in the spring. Bloodroot for example, pretty, but need to learn more about it.

  3. Lovely. Love those violas....errr... pansies. Look so cute.

  4. That is so cool that you are learning to raise bees! Jealous!

  5. Love your wildflowers but I love those pansies too!

  6. Wow, your spring is in full swing! I checked out your other posts. That wall is so cool! I clicked on the link to see your hellebores. When I got to the pink frost or frosted pink, I thought that was going to be my favorite, but, then, I thought that about a number of others. I have a few hellebore blooms. I hope to have more soon.

    Have fun with the bees!


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