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Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Camellias Airlie Gardens

Here are more camellias from Wilmington, NC first ones are from Sharna's yard where I collected 7 seedling plants from 2 inches tall to a foot tall.

This first one was my personal favorite of the entire trip. We did collect seedlings under this one, though there were 3 other camellias close by also.
Hoping we'll get something close to this. If you did not know a seedling camellia most likely will not be exactly the same as it parent plant, it might cross with any of the other camellias nearby.
Not very often do you see a three color camellia.
White, hard to photograph. We saw lots of white camellias in Airlie Gardens, but I'll not feature them today.
All the next three photos were huge 5 inch blooms!

The below photos are from Airlie Gardens.  This bloom might have been more than 5 inches. I saw a 15 foot camellia plant very similar to this one in Durham on Friday. Sad news is we are planning to build a big deck where it and 3 other 10 foot camellias are planted, hoping we can have them moved to a new place in my customer's yard if we do the job.
The rest are from Airlie Gardens!
As you can see here camellias can turn out very different on the same plant.

Not one camellia bush is labeled at Airlie Gardens which is a shame. I think this one below is La Peppermint, we have it in our garden. Ours is blooming, but with frost burns on the blooms.

 Mixed blooms heaven, this was the scene in many places on our visit.

Pretty good visit and we'll have to return again soon. Not long until the Wilmington Azalea Festival!


  1. wiseacre1:32 PM

    I like the La Peppermint the most. Too bad camellias don't stand a chance against the cold here.

  2. Hard to pick a favorite, love them all.
    Hope you are able to move the Camellia(s) that are in the path of the deck.

  3. Wow, that's 'a-lotta' Camellias! I think I love them all! Now that's a plant I need to get. They have some that do pretty well in cooler climates which I will look into. My mom lives in Delaware and has a couple that she has enjoyed this year. We got snow here in northern VA last night...thankfully, it's all but melted now.

  4. Those are pretty! I've been trying to get that here and bugging nurseries nearby. Hope I get lucky soon.

  5. Temptation is an awful thing. I've discovered camellias again this year. I'm going to be air layering quite a few from around the neighborhood in a couple months. I can't wait to have my own hedge.

  6. Anonymous4:19 PM


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  7. I am a big Camellia fan! I love the variegated varieties you posted. I think I may have to do a little seedling harvesting. Although I do not have any local friends who have the red and white variegated.

  8. They are so beautiful! I have to admit I am envious....These would never survive our climate or the chomping of the deer and elk. Ha.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  9. Wow!!! Great shots. Yeah these followers looks different but you have captured them in your camera nicely.

    Some of them looks like roses.


  10. They are all so pretty. I hope your seedlings come true but even a surprise type would be great!

  11. Randy,
    I love Leucojum aestivum -- it was one of the first 'Southern heirloom' plants that I learned about, decades ago, as a newbie gardener and steward of an old home place (that's now the Georgia Southern Botanical Garden).

    I planted some in our landscape here in the Piedmont, and it's flourishing. What fun!


    P.S. Last week with all the warm weather, it was great to see a Tiger Swallowtail and a tattered Mourning Cloak, along with Spring Azures.
