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Monday, February 21, 2011

Vegatable Garden Planting

Sunday was beautiful! Around lunch Meg and I worked on the veggie garden. I had picked up a scoop of compost at the local landfill the day before so we were set.

My first chore of the day was to plant the two new hellebores. Meg and I stopped at Southern States Saturday and picked up a Helleborus x Ballardiae ' HGC Pink Frost' to go with the Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘HGC Silvermoon. After planting these two hellebores I added compost around most of the other hellebores in the woods garden. I also found hundreds of baby hellebores around most of the larger plants.

I cut back the spirea bushes in front of Meg's office window so she would have a better view of the new bird bath.  The spireas have not looked very good for a long time, hopefully pruning will bring them back. Not seen any birds at the new bird bath yet, the old one had a Song Sparrow in it today. We have a pond so water is pretty available here.

We worked the vegetable gardens beds and added a good bit of compost to each bed. Planted Arugula Purple & White Kohlrabi, Cosmic Purple Carrots, Tonda di Parigi Carrots (round carrots), Broad Fava Beans, Sugar Snap Peas, French Breakfast Radishes, Giant Red Mustard Greens, Mizuna Mustard Greens. Everything we planted except the Sugar Snap Peas is new to me!

Here is a garden map of what is planted out back so far. Click on it to enlarge. The garden is curved, it was easier to make the map without the curves. 

Now for the newly opened crocuses.
Crocus sieberi "Tricolor"

 I think this is Crocus 'Flower Record'

 Meg had just watered the garden, hence the puddle.

Above is Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc' we planted these last fall.


  1. You are months ahead of our garden planting. We will plant peas St. Patrick's Day, along with lettuce and spinach. The rest of the garden will wait until the last threat of freeze, Mother's Day. You have a huge garden. I am anxious to see it take shape. cheers. ann

  2. I have been enjoying the weather but I'm not gardening sadly. Just readinga bout it. It will be a few more months before I get to sink my hands in the soil.

  3. Your plan for veggies looks great!@ Love the crocuses. Mine have finally begun blooming.

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Lovely shot of the crocuses, Randy. And that's a whole lot of veggies you'll be planting. Nice to go through your garden plan...happy gardening!

  5. Thank you for the much needed visions of Spring. Helleborus are among my favorite flowers, though I have little luck with them here. I hope to see my crocus pop up in a month or so. Yours are lovely. Your garden is enviable.

  6. I finally have some hellobore blooming. I am so excited! I love your crocuses. I am waiting for my own! Carla

  7. What a great garden plan!

  8. "Crocus Flower Record" is correct and mine should peek any day. I had a surprise of 3 blooming Linten Roses yesterday, with several blooms ready...spring, it is upon us. Thank you for these lovely shares that make smiles~

  9. What a beautiful hellebores. I have my first Helle bloom this year and am excited about seeing it after 3 years with no blooms.

    I have never partaken in the bird count but should since we have so many. The wrens were happy that we were uncovering bugs in the old leaves for them. We saw lots of birds fighting over mates this weekend. Wrens, Bluebirds and Titmouse all in fights. Never seen this many birds in rustles before…

  10. Your garden plan is very organized and tidy.
    I am loving those crocus. Great color and a happy little symbol of springtime.

  11. Great design for your veggie gardens. I am jealous as my sunlight is limited in the back, certainly not 6 hours needed.
    love those crocus, found I had a few from a container I brought with me!
