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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Flicker visit new to feeders!

This morning is bright and frozen, the pond is iced again. I have been sitting here thinking we need a new bird to visit the feeders, Brown-headed or Red-breasted nuthatchs were in mind for what is next. Then later I notice a Northern Flicker siting on a knob of the big oak tree just over the suet feeders! Flickers are common in our parts but they rarely show up here at paradise. I can not recall the last feeder visit by one, sure I see them in the forest a few times in the fall and winter here each year.

The bad news is I must have scared it off with the camera from inside the house. It was curious enough I think it'll be back, maybe with friends.
 Northern Flicker, notice the tail feathers dug into the tree. It is a woodpecker in case you were wondering. They can be found in small flocks.


  1. Isn't he beautiful. Great photos. Here in N. Colorado we have probably two pair that come to our feeders. They especially love the a peanut butter/lard/oatmeal suet cake that I make. Check out the Garden Spot for my recipe. The Flickers will be steady customers. cheers. ann

  2. very nice images - would love to see one of these, especially in the UK!

  3. I love these birds Randy. Great shots! I have one coming up in my next post. They love berries too.

  4. great shots Randy! I love their dots -- beautiful markings on this guy.

  5. They are so beautiful. I just posted some last week too. I think they are such great looking birds~

  6. Apparently they are common here too, but I had never seen one before last week when I got a picture of one. Mine was a Yellow Shafted Flicker. Very neat birds.

  7. Everyone thanks for commenting. Guess I had a bad day out shooting. Was at Duke gardens and took birding photos with two different photographers, both new people I met there. The bad news is my memory card lost almost 50 images including a Great Blue Heron the the red reflection of the bridge. At least I know because the light was never awesome so none of these photos were totally top shelf.

  8. What a gorgeous bird for a visitor.

  9. Every time I visit you put thoughts of a new camera in my head. I want a telephoto lens every time you post pics like this. keep them coming.

  10. Your bird shots are always amazing!

  11. Those speckles are awesome, Randy. Fabulous photography.

  12. P.S. I'm sorry you lost all those pix, though . . .

  13. bummer on losing pictures. had friends who lost a roll of film---from their honeymoon. Yikes!
    You asked about the dead trees in my woods, yes, lots! Our woods are full of trees that are dead or in decline, many thanks to beaver. On our walk today I saw a Pileated, a Downy, and a few Redheaded woodpeckers. The woods are full of activity.

  14. Beautiful shots Randy!

  15. I agree, what a shame you lost photos. I hate when that happens too. However, I love these Flicker shots. Not a bird I know so that's a treat too. What a beauty it is! I do love the brown based birds :-)

  16. Gorgeous! We see these flickers often around here, but what a beautiful pic!
