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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Camellia Sprouts!

I'm not exactly sure of the time these took to get to this point, somewhere between 2.5 and 3 months. I placed 6 camellia seeds in a zip lock bag with a damp paper towel, checked it once a week for 6 weeks, 1 or 2 two had slightly sprouted by 6 weeks. Then I forgot about them around Christmas until last night. Out of the 6 seeds I planted 5- 4 inch pots today, only 1 did not make it. At the time I was sprouting these I also planted some in the garden, I believe they might be sprouting too!

 Needless to say I'm pretty excited about these camellias. To be honest it might be 4-5 years before we ever see a bloom. I read that every camellia seed can grow into its own  flower depending on its parent plants..
The weather today was supposed to reach 60, our thermometer on the shed wall said 65 degrees. I took off my outer shirt about 10 am and wore a tee shirt until about 5 pm today. We planted the rest of our bulbs(daffodil, crocus and anemone)  in the garden(finally). I also cut a bunch of giant bamboo into 1 foot spikes and pounded them into the ground to make a garden border.

Later we went to walk the Poets Walk in Hillsborough. Funny we saw a barefoot walking guitar player and a guy with a black cat on his shoulder. Beautiful day!
The crocus I posted recently looked to become 2 blooms yesterday, this morning it was 3 blooms as in the photos and later a few inches away 2 more blooms opened, making 5 blooms. Daffodils, crocus, rock irises and snow drops are peeking out of the ground.

Friday in Chapel Hill I saw 2 mounds of thrift blooming and on Saturday we walked with Megs mom at her retirement house and found 4 camellia blooming.


  1. Beautiful flowers! Wasn't today's weather the best?? Carla

  2. Congrats on your seeds sprouting. I bought some anemones when I bought the other bulbs at Marlboro. They said to wait to plant them later...like March/April. Maybe I should plant them now? Did you soak them?
    Gorgeous day wasn't it?

  3. How cool that it's sprouting. Totally awesome.

  4. Always a nice moment, to see seeds sprouting......

  5. That is very exciting! I suppose some patience will be required for blooms - I'm thinking of saving some of my own seeds from the plants sheltering inside.

  6. Who knows, you may have the next great Camellia there. You are the first of all the blogs I follow to post a crocus bloom. I am taking it as a spring omen.

  7. wiseacre9:23 AM

    60 degrees, going outside in a tee shirt, plants blooming and a black cat sitting on some guy's shoulder.

    Sounds like a fantasy world to me.

  8. Yesterday was beautiful wasn't it?! Which Camellia are the seeds from?

  9. Congrats on the Camellia sprouts. It will be exciting to see what kind of blooms you will be getting in a few years.60 degrees sounds soooo good. LOL!

  10. Our weekend saw 70 degrees and what a relief to spend the entire weekend in the garden. Love the sprout shots. What lense are you using to catch these shots?

  11. Camellias do everything slow..you are a patient gardener. Lovely Crocus blooms.

  12. Wearing a T-shirt from 10am-5pm at the time of year when crocus bloom seems alien to me - Wow! Love the idea of growing a camellia from seed - good luck with that :-)

  13. Randy, I still think it's a miracle that from a seed grow these beautiful forms.

    By the way, we sent that warmer weather to you ;). It has been in the mid 50's to a high of 62 last week, but now seems to be backing off a bit.

  14. Very cool! I would be excited too to sprout those camellias. Maybe once ours go to seed I'll do the same!

  15. Awesome! I am doing the same-trying to germinate camellia seeds but I put mine in a pot outside. I wonder if they'll sprout? I'm glad to hear yours did. What color will they be? Wow on the crocuses! Ours have appeared but no where ready to bloom.

  16. Spring! well, a welcome foretaste. The sun is out here today, Randy, but it's very blustery. perhaps the March winds have come early. Thank you for visiting my little (blog) corner of South Wales.

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