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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fourth Snow Event!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was real good, I believe everyone got what they wanted and we had prime rib, pork shoulder and lobster with dinner at the retirement home where Meg's parents live. Could not believe it was such a great dinner!

Late on Christmas it started snowing, by 11 pm when I went to bed we had 3/4 inches of snow. Right now my estimate would be 4 inches and it is still snowing!

The feeders were refilled about an hour ago and to be honest there are more birds at the feeders than ever before. Several of the feeders  have 10 birds on them at a time. Perhaps later I get a few photos of the birds.

Meg gave me Photoshop CS5 for Christmas and these are the first edited photos processed in the new software. Granted snow photos don't do justice to what Photoshop can do with normal photos with vivid colors.
 Our cold frames, don't they look pretty darn cold?
 The screened in porch, very cool all the snow on the screening!
 One of our favorite chairs.
 Pretty snowy.
 The pond is frozen and I expect it to turn white. Going down to 16 degrees Tuesday morning...
 The road we have to drive up to get out of here, no trucks have even tried it yet. I think Meg's Toyota Truck will make it. The power is out at Meg's sisters house, she has been rescued already.
 Snowy tools left outside.. my bad.
 Some of our blue wine bottles and a mini cold frame we added. Nothing but left over plastic and PVC piping stuck into the ground. I think there is rape and mustard greens under there. I picked some mustard greens and kale from the other cold frames Christmas Eve for our salad.
Snowy willows over the pond.

Christmas blooms report: Several pansies were actually blooming and one hellebore niger has 2 inch tall white blooms hidden mostly near the ground. 


  1. Glad you had a nice Christmas Randy. We did as well.
    We have about an inch to 1 1/2 inches of snow. Think closer to the coast got it worse. Seems to have stopped. I have only been out in my bathrobe and rubber garden boots to take the dogs out. Will be out with camera in hand later.
    I look forward to seeing your excellent photos enhanced ever more. Have fun with Photoshop!

  2. Welcome to my usual winter world Randy. For a moment there I thought it was going to snow in Florida this morning.

  3. It looks beautiful all covered in snow! They are talking snow here later in the week, but I doubt it will be anything like what you have.

  4. We got some snow too! I can't believe December has been this wintery. Carla

  5. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. We had a good time with both sides of our family at our son and daughter-in-law's house, on 2 different days. Now, we have my dad's and grandson's birthday to celebrate January 4th.

    I love all of your photos! I can't pick a favorite, but your tools left out made for a wonderful photo. I love the color of the wheelbarrow with the white of the snow.

    We didn't get the snow you guys got. It's 11 degrees right now, but later in the week, the highs are supposed to be in the 40s.

    Have a great week!

  6. That looks like a nice wet snow. So good for the garden. Enjoy!

  7. I think part of the beauty of snow photos is that they're very white and the snow hides a lot. Only a few things will show through, and it's those elements that make the photos interesting like in Bev Doolittle paintings - there are lovely elements (e.g., a horse) you have to look for as a viewer. Then again I like minimalist photos with a lot of white/black space, and I like surprises in photos.

  8. Photoshop, congratulations! Sounds like a great present. The snow has been beautiful hasn't it? A very heavy wet snow though; I'm just grateful we didn't do power. The power flickered on and off briefly several times.

  9. We trust among the prior remarks, I really like the truth that both dance other people tend to be colored along with extreme shades from the reduced soaked history.

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