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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas card from the Obamas?

This week I received in the mail a very nice Christmas Card from the Obamas, my first presidential Christmas Card. Not sure why I was honored with such a kind gesture? Meg and the dogs and cats names were not on the envelope even though it was signed by the entire Obama family it even had a paw print from the first dog Bo. Should we send them a card with Meg and the dogs and cats names on it so maybe next year we all will get a card? Did I tell you I once owned a pitbull name Bo.

The card was paid for and sent by the Democratic Party, not our tax dollars. I did not give them any money in the past few election although I volunteered weekly during the 2004 campaign. I might have hung up on a few of the campaign calls in the last election too. So did everyone get one of these cards??

I did however sent an e mail to Obama in support of his health care plan, though it was not nearly as good as it could have been. I sent Obama just one letter, must have sent Bush twenty letters and never got a card from him!

We got about 3/4 inch of snow this morning now it is sleeting. Meg's school closed today and I decided I didn't want to drive to Chapel Hill in all this mess. So I've made some soup and changed the air filters and smoke detector batteries.

The birds outside are having a hay day with all the feeders. I moved one from the kitchen window which they ignored to hanging from the oak tree by the deck it had emptied about 3 inches since I put it there a few hours ago.


  1. No Christmas card for us, but my son got a letter from the President last year congratulating him on his academic performance (thankfully, he did not mention his behaviour). My wife framed it and it now sits on the living room table. Knowing her politics, I am sure she would not have gone to so much trouble if it came from the previous administration.

  2. We didn't receive one either. We did work on an unsuccessful campaign, and got a Christmas card from her (and an invite to her Christmas party). I think it is nice you got a card. Charlie (my husband) received a congratulations and thanks for your 30 years of service from the President, matted and framed in the hallway with the other two big "I love me" wall items. As with Les, not sure if it was from the previous administration how it would be displayed.

  3. I'm impressed by how you spend your snow days. It's so very responsible. I think I would have guzzled hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.

  4. It feels good to be acknowleged, much more from the President, heartwarming to have a president like yours. Thanks also for the ID of my weed in my last post, i truly learn from comments. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

  5. Cute little Elf! Merry Christmas holidays to you too Randy and Meg. I did not get a card this year either. . . perhaps Obama read my many petitions and emails stating how disappointed I was with many of his appointments throughout his administration. Very disappointed indeed. Wall street and chemical corp executives running things . . . well however disappointed I was, things will get even harder now. We must be vigilant!

  6. Wow! That's pretty cool! Was it an actual card or a photograph of the kids? I've had so many of those photo thinggys I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with hem after Christmas? Do they recycle like cards do or am I supposed to fill my photo albums with photos of other peoples kids - some of which I never even met?

  7. What an honor. Cool.
    I've recorded HGTV's "White House Christmas" to see this year's decorations.

  8. My husband just came up to see what kind of something or other I had on my computer, as I was reading this post. I read some of it to him, and we both had a chuckle.

    Oh, now they're saying our wind chill is 0. I'm jealous of your snow.
