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Monday, October 11, 2010

One Scary Bug on Our Porch!

Tonight Meg found a bug that we both were clueless on. It was attached to the screening on the outside of the screened in porch. At first I thought it was a beetle. But no antennae, cock roach maybe, nope they have antennaes too.  So I'm grasping for straws here... Bugguide I try it and I searched the recent ID requests hoping somebody else would be asking the same thing I am what the heck is this giant bug? It  was 2 inches from the rear of the abdomen to the tip of the head, that is how bugs are measured, so over all a good 2 1/2 inches and nasty!
Giant Water Bug or Eastern Toe-Biter (Lethocerus griseus)
Apparently there are 5 different species of Giant Water Bugs in the US. I have seen them in our pond and other ponds and lakes, but never out of water. Those are wings so they can fly. Here is a good link to find out more about them.


  1. I can't believe that there is a bug alive that you can't identify! LOL! I wish I could help, but I have no clue. I'm just glad that you didn't find it inside! Carla

  2. Glad it is at your house, and not mine. It is a good photo, though.

  3. Wow! It is a bit daunting! Stinger, horns or pinchers and all. I will have to go read more about them. Great capture Randy. ;.)

  4. OMG... just read all that info ... YUCK! Those are powerful front legs. Hope you never get a toe bite Randy!!

  5. I haven't seen a Giant Water Bug before, but remember reading a rather horrifying account of a GWB and its frog prey in Annie Dillard's Pilgram at Tinker Creek.

  6. Not the prettiest insect you have ever posted here, but I guess it has just as much right to be as the loveliest butterfly.

  7. Very impressive guy here. I have read your comments on other blogs and had to come check you out. Your knowlegde of critters is outstanding. Love all of your butterfly photos.

  8. Scary! Happy Halloween (a little early...)

  9. It looks like a cockroach for sure. Probably a cousin to water bugs? Glad it was on the porch and not in the house!

  10. Ohmygoodness. I'm glad you got the ID. Perhaps I'll follow your link, but I'm not sure I want to! ;-)

  11. Nice find, I rarely see them out of water.

  12. Geez Randy that is a doozy of a bug. The pinchers (or whatever they are) are pretty nasty looking. Good for you to make the ID, but then you are good at that.

  13. Glad you finally ID'd it, Randy! Now that you know they live on land (as well as the ponds) you'll need to be on guard for more 'visitors'...ugh! Wouldn't want to get pinched by one of those!!

  14. I remember a visit to Florida and flying roaches the size of the GWB! Yikes! gail

  15. Yes, our roaches in Texas bear a remarkable resemblance to your Giant Water Bug. Tell you what, we'll keep our bug problem and you keep yours. No sharing. Ours at least don't have pincers and bite!

  16. It looks a bit fierce to me! So, you must have figured out it's a waterbug. I wouldn't have known.
