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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The changing seasons

We have now had 90 days this year with 90 degree temps, it is getting real old. It might be over, the past 32 days we have had .13 inches of rain, it looks bad here. Summer gardening seems useless.... We have some rain on the way in the next 4 days of forecasts, lets hope it actually gets here.

Many of you might recall our getting a bunch of hellebores and a cyclamen last fall. Well the cyclamen has 2 blooms on it, the first in our garden. We suffered a good number of plant casualties this summer including Yuletide Camellia, 2 of the 3 discount camellias from Home Depot, 2 hellebores from Pineknot Farms and several other perennials.
Cyclamen hidden in our garden!
This Night Blooming Cereus from our porch two nights ago. It is a tropical catus Meg's daughter got in a yard sale for 15 cents over 12 years ago. We have had 2 other nights of blooming earlier in the season, this night we had 2 blooms. The blooms only last one night by the way. These photos were taken at 11 pm with my Canon G11 set to manual using the camera flash.
Pretty amazing this 8 inch very fragrant flower isn't it?
This is a Sleepy Orange caterpillar on Sicklepod. I found this last week while on a hike. The 10 x 10 patch of Sicklepod was pretty eaten up, in all there were at least 10-12 cats  there in various stages.


  1. I'm sorry about your weather problems. We actually had way more rain than normal until the August heat hit, which was also hard on things.

    Do you think the hellebore could have gone dormant?

    That caterpillar is a beauty! If you get a chance, could you come check out my moths to see if you recognize them?

  2. I can definitely relate with the weather. This summer has been rougher than most especially the last several weeks - no rain. Too much rain in May then barely anything through the summer. We got a little relief this weekend.

    Great photos as usual! I hope you'll put your photography skills to good use of the Fall Color Project!

  3. Hi Randy & Meg, I'm so sorry to hear about the weather problems you've experienced this summer. We've had the opposite (uncharacteristic) extreme. Do you wonder what's in store for Winter? That's a great caterpillar. I'll have to see what it turns into! :-)

  4. Let's hope things normalize for you in the weather department. We had an peculiar year too. I worry what the winter will bring us!

    Love your photos, Randy!

  5. We just started getting some rain after weeks of none. I lost a number of plants last summer due to lack of rain and high temperatures. My sister's Yuletide camellia bit the dust too this summer. What a shame.

    Always Growing

  6. Hi,

    It sounds like a lot of people whether in the US or UK have had a strange summer this year. We're already almost hitting ground frosts, something we don't normally get until November or December.

  7. We REALLY need rain, and hope we get some. I'm fed up with the heat too!

  8. The sicklepod caterpillar is way cool! Never seen it or even heard of it but I think I've burned the leaf into my brain now so I can watch for it. Bummer on the losses from the drought. I've lost quite a bit too. Mostly evergreens. It seems they died before I even knew it since I had not been in the garden much due to heat and drought. Maybe the hellebores will surprise you and come back next year. The camellias are probably goners though. They can be so picky.

  9. Amazing, that night blooming cereus - does make me wish I had a bigger garden. Sorry to hear about the lost plants. I've been pretty lucky, I guess, especially considering the irrigation was off for 3 weeks...

    Happy fall!

  10. I sure hope all drought worn areas get the rain we need before winter. It is too bad about your loses but you have much amazing beauty about you Randy. Wow! Your tiny Cyclamen is lovely and Cereus is a knock-out! Gorgeous photos! I must get one of these! Yours are some of the most beautiful shots I have seen of this unfurling. Yes! Pretty amazing! Love the contrast into the bright light with your last portrait of a Sleepy Orange. Stunning post! ;>)

  11. Lovely images Randy. I noticed the cyclamen is up in the garden. it's a sweet little beauty. I hope you get rain~We are sorely in need of it too. I've lost plants and am wondering what to plant that can take this weather. gail

  12. We are finally getting some rain...hope you are too! Carla

  13. Nice photo of the cereus--what a great find. I love the caterpillar too. Thanks for visiting my blog and identifying the butterfly.

    We're getting lots of rain today after suffering thru a drought for weeks.

  14. That is one happy cat there! Great pics as always :-)

  15. That cyclamen is gorgeous. I'm seeing those cereus everywhere. Someday I'll have to give in and get one myself.
    Hope your rain comes soon. We're used to these dry, dry summers.
