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Monday, May 24, 2010

The Answer to the oil spill! Get farmers involved!

I'm sick of this Gulf Oil spill, just sick that nothing they have done has not moved any faster or been very effective. Adding chemicals to break up the oil only seems to add to the problems and is very expensive to do. They seem to be just compounding the problems out there!

Now I've seen this video clip showing how hay and or straw can easily clean up oil from water. The hay/straw absorbs the oil and floats to shore it could simply be harvested at the shore and hauled away to dry and be used as fuel. Watch learn and write!

Now I'm writing a bunch of letters to Obama, his wife Michelle and congress.


  1. This whole oil spill has been sickening. So much incompetence.

    Unfortunately I see that sort of incompetence mirrored in lots of places.

  2. Good for you Randy! I can imagine the big chem corps fighting this simple idea! I will call my Reps and Senators tomorrow! I am doing a news fast for now so do not know what is going on ... only that this has happened. Another reason we should not have off shore drilling and invest in clean energy now.

  3. My husband has been telling me about that. What a great idea. I can't believe that this has gone on for so long. Check out my blog. My twelve year daughter decided to write some letters of her own. I posted about it there. We all need to stand up and be heard. Carla

  4. But millions of gallons of oil is going to take unimaginable amounts of hay. I think chopping up wall street investment bankers could be much more efficient if they suck up oil like they suck up money. If we run out of bankers we can use politicians.

  5. The hair booms have been laid and they did not work. They absorbed the water and sank. The hay hasn't been used yet to my knowledge.

  6. Heres a link to contact theWhitehouse! http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

    I attached your blog link to my email to the Whitehouse with a few comments! Lets get their attention!

  7. IMHO, this oil spill is the worst environmental catastrophe that we've ever seen. It is quite terrifying to me as it could contaminate and destroy the whole eco-system in the Gulf and even up here off North Carolina as it comes through the Gulf Stream.

    It makes you wonder about all "safety plans" for dangerous businesses...like that nuclear plant just down the road from you and me.

    Greed for money is destroying our natural world as well as our economy.

  8. Well, the interesting question is whether greed for money is the problem, or whether each of us is the problem. I try to reduce car trips, but have to fly across country to see a relative this coming weekend. And guess how that airplane is powered...right, it's the stuff that ends up in the ocean right now and that puts Co2 in the atmosphere each time we burn it.

    It's complicated.

  9. The oil spill has me incredibly frustrated. I have a friend who says that someday there will be trials for crimes against nature, not just crimes against humanity. The straw does seem like a better idea than the chemicals they are dumping. Wiseacre might have the right of it, chop up the bankers, oil execs, and politicians.

  10. The oil leak is so terrible. Such a major catastrophe that will affect us all for many years to come. No doubt. I hope the top kill method seals it.

  11. I think they are more concerned about the loss of money than any damage it can be doing to the wildlife.

    Like most things it is money the bottom line even when it comes to our health and that of the planet.

  12. Randy-

    I understand your frustration. I can't believe that this catastrophe has occurred without any viable plans to contain an oil accident in this particular situation. And, of course, this one smacks of regulatory failure, too.

    And essentially, there's not much that we can do, aside from attempting to stop the gushing oil, and trying to divert the oil from the marshes.

    There's not much 'clean up' potential for the marshes, except a very, very long time, I'm afraid.


  13. What about the oil below the surface? And how toxic IS this dispersent? Oh it's awful. No idea what they / we are doing.
