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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Seeds Pie Social in Durham

The Seeds Pie Social was a great time! It was a fund raiser for the Seeds program. For those of you who do not know about Seeds check the link in the line above. Here is a little about them from their website:
SEEDS is a non-profit community garden whose goal is to teach people to care for the earth, themselves and each other through a variety of garden-based programs. 

Anyway the suggested donation was $10 and you received 4 tickets for a slice of pie per ticket. The pies were donated by local restaurants and bakeries and oh so good! Also pies made from the garden like chard pie.

Just before this photo was taken there WAS 3 slices of pie on my plate. The Cherry Pie was awesome it was from Whole Foods, the other pie was really good, I forgot what it was. I went back and got a vegan peanut butter pie, it was surprisingly delicious.  Megan also got 4 slices of pie she ate one slice and guess what we had for dessert that night after dinner?
These were pies made by the Seeds volunteers, all made from the garden. One of those is that famous chard pie.
At the entrance to the garden was this Coral Honeysuckle. The wow factor of this wall of honeysuckle was incredible, imagine a wall of this 6-7 foot height and 8 foot long.
I would have shown the entire wall but it was sunny so I just took photos of the shaded portion.

Here is a Pawpaw, Asimina triloba flower from the Seeds Garden. These flowers have a hard time getting pollinated, Seeds also has their own bee hives. When I was a kid we'd know when it was time to pick the fruits and go into the woods to pick them. Now where we used to picked them it is a subdivision. I bet most kids today don't know what these are or when to pick and eat the fruit. The Seeds kids I'm sure they do.

I could not resist getting a shot of the underside of the pawpaw flower, oh so pretty!

Mission control I think we have fruit in the making! These are just starting, when full grown they will be about 2 inches around and 4 inches long. Tastes like a banana but different. Pawpaws are also the host plant for the Zebra Swallowtail butterfly.


  1. aloha,

    what a great post on your seed fundraiser...i love that intense color of the fushia colored honeysuckle - just shocking, i love it and the paw paw is also nice..thanks for sharing

  2. Great cause and the pies look wonderful too. Gorgeous pictures of the honeysuckle and Pawpaw flowers.

  3. Hello Randy, i've been here twice today, hehe. The color of that honeysuckle is really striking. But the one i like most is the pawpaw flower, so brightly colored and yet you said difficult to pollinate? All along i thought pawpaw is another term for papaya in some other countries. Now i realized they are so very very far. The style of fruiting is just like the guyabano or soursop. Maybe i should post its flower too, you gave me an idea.

    And thanks for your info on the habit of the male gourd flowers. BTW, yes the hoyas have milky sap when bruised.

  4. So that's what a pawpaw looks like. I have never seen one myself. Thanks for sharing. The pie looks pretty good too! Carla

  5. I do not recall ever seeing a Pawpaw in the wild. I have heard of the Pawpaw all my life but never seen one, how strange is that? The honeysuckle looks inviting to the hummingbirds, bees and butterflies! And now I have a sudden hankering for a slice of pie! Such a great program and fun way for the kids to learn....

  6. What a great cause. The chard pie has me intrigued, and that honeysuckle is a stunner! The bees and hummingbirds must go crazy for it.

  7. The Seeds Fundraiser looked like delicious fun!
    I just bought another Paw-paw for my garden. I have had Zebra Swallowtails in the gardens ever since I started growing the paw-paws. I would love to find a spot to do a wall of honeysuckle! I bet the Hummingbirds would love it too.
    Fun post.
    Happy Earth Day,

  8. Wonderful post, and I love all the flowers. Is Pawpaw a plant? I thought I saw something similiar hanging from a tree?

  9. Randy,
    Our paw-paws have been in flower lately, too -- what amazing-looking flowers, and of course, if you can beat the animals, delicious fruits to eat. Our coral honeysuckles have been wonderful this spring, too.

    I loved visiting SEEDS last fall on a Garden Writers tour - an amazing garden and community set-up, and inspirational.

    The pies looked great!

