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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hawks and Flycatchers from Belize!!

This hawk stumped us and after many hours I came to the conclusion it is a juvenile Common Black Hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus. It was huge, at first we thought it was the rare Solitary Eagle. I took many photos as it was very cooperative, much more than the dim morning light was.

This guy I almost got in trouble with Roger as I used wordsI should not have said in getting him to stop the car in time. This White Hawk, Leucopternis albicollis landed next to the car and I got a few photos out the window before it flew off. I would have loved to see it soaring, maybe the next trip.

We saw this guy soaring like our Northern Harrior and found out it was a Snail Kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis! Really enjoyed watching it fly but it was too far away to get a decent in flight photo.

Some birds are easier to ID, like this Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus I have seen this one in the US in Texas where it is common and in North Carolina where it shows up every 5 years or so.
This  Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus savana was an easy ID too. Never seen such cool tails on a bird before!
Not sure if this is an Tropical Kingbird, Tyrannus melancholicus or the Couch's Kingbird, Tyrannus couchii. They both look alike and the only way to tell them apart is by the calls. We saw lots of these and never heard any calls, nor did we know the calls anyway.

The garden here is still covered in snow and it is raining now. maybe we'll get the peas planted soon. Last year the peas were coming up by now!

Stay tuned for some butterflies from Belize in the future.


  1. What a Joy Randy! Beautiful captures! I can hardly wait for the butterflies! Thanks so much for sharing your trip! Carol

  2. Very cool photos! I'm enjoying seeing these unique birds.

  3. Wow, the hawk in the first photo looks like he is wearing a cape of feathers - he looks beautiful and fierce. The picture of the Vermillion Flycatcher is amazing - what vibrant red color. I enjoyed all of your bird photos.

  4. What beautiful photos! My husband and I spent some time last weekend admiring the flying skills of a couple of red tailed hawks in our area. Thanks for sharing these inspiring photos!

  5. More AMAZING photos! You are so talented.

    I especially love the one with the long tail feathers!

  6. I love the fork-tailed flycatchers. During a recent three month trip to Argentina I was amazed at how many there were there. Isn't selection amazing? It's surely not practical to have a tail that long, but beautiful nonetheless. Beautiful photographs!

  7. Beautiful birds and amazing photographs! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Wow! Fantastic post.

    RO xx

  9. What could be more pleasurable next to gardening - Of course bird watching! Thank you so much for such great photos, Randy. I love the photo of the Vermilion Flycatcher - it's as if (s)he's got an expression on his(er) face. Sweet!

  10. Randy, magnificent! You must have been beside yourself seeing these beautiful creatures. Fork-tailed Flycatcher amazing.

    By the way, I wanted you to know the mystery bird has been verified; and I like you have not seen a sparrow as large as this one... seems it is a juvenile Golden-crowned Sparrow. Thanks, Diana

  11. Welcome back! What gorgeous photos... each is better than the other. What a wonderful trip you must have had. :-)

  12. Hey RAndy, great photos! That Snail Kite looks like he dipped his beak in the inkwell. What a great colorful collection of birds! The immature Black Hawk looks like his wings are too big for his body.
    When we lived in Texas we had Scissor Tail Flycatchers that were pretty cool to watch as they swooped and soared to get the flying insects.

  13. Wow Randy- your skill in capturing such beautiful birds make me want to give it a shot myself! I am smitten with the Vermillion Flycatcher and so wish one would come my direction.

  14. I loved these past two posts on the birds in Belize. They are so much more exotic than anything we see around here.

  15. I especially like the shots of the White Hawk, Flycatcher and Kingbird. Gorgeous.

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Randy!!! These are so amazing! Somehow I always picture Belize as beaches only. We actually had a good friend from Belize in Oklahoma and loved hearing him tell of life growing up there before he came to the US. These photos are book material! :-)
    We are hoping to plant peas on Valentine's Day, as that is the usual time. I don't know about this year though, so much colder and wetter!

  17. Stunning Images,my favourite shot would be the White Hawk Flycatcher,

  18. Belize! How wonderful. Your bird shots are perfect. I have a friend that just got back from Belize and another that just went! Sounds like I need to do some traveling.

  19. Amazing! How do you get the birds to sit still? Almost as good as going there myself...

  20. Yes, I have hosted two co-ops with Pine Knot. they are just great! I'm planning on going up that same weekend. Hoping for good weather.

  21. Randy, I want to tell you how excited I was to receive your CD today! I've had only time to have a quick look, but will be ready to sit down and have fun with it tomorrow! (I'd have sent you an e-mail, but couldn't find your address!) Many thanks for your generosity! :-)

  22. Anonymous7:35 AM

    What an amazing series of bird photos! I'm still gasping! So unique and so beautiful! That fly-catcher's tail is awesome. Looking forward to all your Belize photos.

  23. Very aweseome! A nice collection here. I can't wait to see more.
