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Thursday, December 03, 2009

New Blog Layout

We just made some big changes to the blog  design how does it look?

My Blog list might have dropped a few blogs. If you don't see your blog please let me know and I'll add it.

If you notice the new navigation bar below the header image you'll see my Butterflies of the Carolinas and Virginias Website. These images of a Gray Hairstreak came from the site.

Once you get to the butterflies site you will find these images like the one above. On the site if you were to mouse over the image above it would be replaced with the image below that shows pointers to help you to learn your butterflies more easily. Please give it a look and you can purchase the site on CD to give as a gift or for your own personal use offline.


  1. It looks really great on my new wide screen monitor. Those photos are incredible, especially the one on your header. Great job!

  2. I think your blog looks great after the revamp. The header picture is lovely.

  3. Your re-vamp is appealing. Always enjoy your butterfly information and happy it is all right here now with a click on the tabs. Great job.

  4. It looks great! I love the new tabs at the top and how clear the pictures all are.
    I think I was on your blog list before, but no worries if you changed it :)

  5. Hi Randy, I do like the new look. I started to change mine and when it said all my widgets would disappear I changed my mind. Will have to go back and see what widget I want to keep and all the folks on the blog roll as well.
    Love the dragonfly picture at the top...is this a porn site?

  6. I love your new look and your header too! As for the gray hairstreak it was interesting to see the labels. I could always refer to this or check out your amazing site.

  7. The header is absolutely gorgeous!

  8. Change is good, Randy, and this one is excellent. It really makes the photos pop!
    By the way, what are those orange flowers? It almost matches the markings on the Gray Hairstreak's wing. Coincidence? I wonder...!

  9. Phillip,
    Thanks for the kind comments, glad the wide screen does my photos justice and that you get what you bought it for.

    Autumn Belle,
    Glad you stopped in!

    Your opinion means a great deal to me! Your blog is laid out wonderfully.

    Yes you were on my list and I'll add it back. I'd hate to miss any of your posts.

    No not a porn site, the damselflies are in what is called a wheel. The male holds the females head so she can get her eggs fertilized. The lay out on you site is good and I really like the top side bar link you installed recently.

    Glad to see you back and thanks for the kind comments. I believe I have a new way to post slightly larger photos.

    Thanks for stopping in and the kind comments.

    The orange flowers are our native milkweed Asclepia tuberosa commonly call Butterfly Weed. I try to grow it here but fail to get it going very well, it loved my last garden.

  10. I like it. Clean and well organized. The header picture, like everyone else said, is amazing.

  11. It looks great, the pictures as usual are fantastic!

    I think you might have lost my blog :(

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Love the new layout, and your header photo is stunning...as are your other photos. It's always a pleasure to stop by here. :)

  13. Count me as another fan of the new layout! The photos are gorgeous! I have a feeling I am going to be utilizing the butterflies website a lot. :)

    Randy I think this is the blog you're looking for: http://swampthings.blogspot.com/

  14. It's a really clean, organized look. I was reminded to sign on as a Follower. I don't see my blog, click my name to get the page with the URL.

    The only thing I would change, I would drag that Label Cloud widget over to follow the posts, so the sidebar is shorter.

  15. A great job! I am blown away by your header photo?? What is going on? I see three heads of dragon flies... What an amazingly beautiful photograph and most unusual. I look forward to visiting the butterfly site... with details of how to identify. Impressive!! I do not see my blog listed Randy... since you asked us to say. I have a couple photos of butterflies I wonder if you might be able to identify... would it be ok if I sent them to you? Carol

  16. Much fabulosity going on here!
    I love it! Good job!

  17. Randy, I do like your layout: that header photo is amazing; love the tabs (space saver); and these old eyes find it easy to read. A real pro!

  18. Beautiful photos and cool header! I really like it.
    The type is very small but that may be a problem on my end.
    Good job!

  19. I love the new blog layout. And the picture is crystal clear. Amazing!

  20. Great Blog, Randy. Thanks for helping me out with the butterfly IDs on my blog!

  21. Beautiful butterfly photos, and very helpful for the id info.

    Love the layout of the blog.
