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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Still Blooming in Paradise

Today I looked out the window and saw the Sparkle berries shinning in the sun. So I grabbed my camera and went outside, ended up pretty inspired and gathered a fair collection of photos from here in Paradise.

This is a tiny piece of the Sparkleberry. I took this with my seldom used 400mm "toy" lens handheld. The leaves of the bush are nearly gone, we are patiently awaiting the birds to feast on these. Last years show(birds feasting) was something right outside of our screened in porch.

One of Meg's nasturtiums, they are looking much better than they did in the summer.

Snapdragons were here all summer, this little bit of blooms seems better than any blooms they did earlier this year.

OK, help me here this huge 7 foot tall saliva still is blooming. It stinks the leaves are somewhat heart shaped and some have turned burgundy. Any idea what this is? It'll have to be relocated as the plant and our walkway do not get along.

Yes we still have two zucchini and one male bloom as shown below. Ate two last weekend and there were yummy. The mild frosts here have not got it yet.

Yes my first ever camellia bloom grown right here in Paradise. This is Camellia japonica "Debutante". Indeed an early C. japonica and I'm very tickled with this beauty!

Another nasturtium, this is a climbing nasturtium a complete disaster this summer the bamboo grass covered it up. Pulled the grass out and it loved the fall.!

One of the expensive hellebores I bought this spring, Red Lady it looks great! You'll be seeing this plants first blooms early next year, I hope.

I think this is small hellebore I picked up from some ladies at the local farmers market this past spring for $5. I found it under the leaves today I'd thought it was a loss, looks happy to me.


  1. It's a great shot of berries, Randy! All the images a good. Salvia is very pretty! My nasturtiums still have nice green leaves, but no more flowers. I keep them anyway, they look good.

  2. great! Lots of pretty blooms (love the snapdragons!) as well as new hellebores leaves. I love this time of year for the hellebores to show what it's made of.

  3. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Hi Randy~~ Nice blossoms. Could the salvia be S. involucrata or Rosebud Salvia? Your camelia looks like a cabbage rose. Fabulous!

  4. That Sparkleberry is so pretty. I've never seen them before. I bet the birds are just waiting to get at them1

  5. Sparkleberry is a holly, right? Beautiful. We have native sparkleberry/farkleberries that have black fruits. Birds eat them as a last resort, late winter.

    I love Debutante, but never bought one. The previous neighbor had a huge one at the end of their house, facing east. It was a prolific bloomer.

  6. Great photos Randy. Along the highway they have planted some sort of Ilex verticillata and every year I wish I had some in my garden. Think Sparkleberry is super!
    The Camellia is a show stopper!

  7. I'm not familiar with sparkleberry, but what a pretty picture!

    Love the fluffy, aptly-named camellia!

    I'm jealous of your zuchini. I've given up on squash after two bad years due to borers. Do y'all not have borers there?

  8. The Sparkleberry is beautiful. Seriously, that salvia is 7 feet tall?! It must be an amazing sight.

  9. Tatyana,
    I always enjoy having you stop by. I have been thinking of finally doing the honest scrap you sent me back in July!

    I'm really looking forward to our hellebores, all we have have never bloomed from actually growing here.

    We looked up Rosebud Salvia and we are about 90% sure that is it. A friend of mine gave it to me years ago, planting it in a sunnier spot had made it a show case in the garden.

    I visited the Sparkleberry Swamp in South Carolina by canoe many years ago and had to have one for the garden.

    Neil Jean,
    Yes Sparkleberry is a holly and a native here, I got mine at Durham Hardware which closed down a long time ago. Thanks for the info on Debutante it will be something to enjoy from the kitchen window.

    Thanks for the kind word on my photos, none are show stoppers but I keep trying.


    The squash borers are a mild problem here, somehow we manage to get some squash. We love eating squash and never get tired of it.

    Yes 7 foot Grace did get the ID. The stalks fall over into the path and fan out everywhere.

  10. I just love the Sparkleberry, even the name is pretty. I bet you are excited to see the hellebores. A few of mine already have buds coming up.

  11. Oh, if I only had squash blossoms in the garden.

  12. Fantastic color in these photos, Randy. I especially like the Snap for its color blending.

  13. Hi Randy & Meg - I have a Best Blog Award for you at my site at:

  14. I think the berry photo is my favorite, but I'm excited to see what your hellebores do. I just discovered them a couple years ago, and then found several different kinds to plant this past summer. I am hoping to get some blooms in February.

    I enjoyed all your camellia blooms, too.

  15. I almost faited (out of jealousy) when I saw your new title photo. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That is one of the best shots I have ever seen!!! A-MA-ZING!
